The pair of presenters made a jump to the USA, and analyzed American aid during the war • Seri: “Biden is much more Zionist than people in Israel” • What did Yanon think?
At the beginning of the second program hour, Yanon Magal and Barak Seri talked about the difficult conduct of the war, this is its 177th day, alongside the turmoil of the conscription law. “Yesterday Yanon announced that he is adopting a baruch, and will pay the baruch what the state will not pay them,” Sri pointed an accusing finger.
About the President of the United States, he said: “Biden is much more Zionist than people I know in Israel. They help Israel, they don’t help Netanyahu, but help in spite of Netanyahu. Some tone of disdain for the American President crept in. Everything is stuck, there is no strategy. We can initiate things that will make it easier about our situation, to mobilize the Americans and the international community.”
How did the conversation between the two end?
Yanon Magal and Barak Seri  | Photos: 103fm and courtesy of the photographer
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