The Musical Professions Syndicate, headed by the artist Mustafa Kamel, mourned the artist’s brother with great sadness Medhat Salehwho has passed away from our world, and the Syndicate and the members of the Board of Directors extend their sincere condolences to the family of the artist Medhat Saleh, praying to the Almighty God to cover him with His vast mercy, dwell him in His spacious gardens, and to inspire his family and relatives with patience and solace. We belong to God and to Him we shall return.
The artist’s brother passed away a short while ago Medhat SalehWhere the artist Medhat Saleh wrote on his Facebook page: “Goodbye, Ahmed. Goodbye, my son. Goodbye, my love. We belong to God and to Him we shall return. Ahmed Saleh has passed away.”
And share Medhat Saleh Recently, at the 5th session of Qaderoon Bifaelf, he performed a song entitled “The Cloud of I Returned” with a number of Qaderoon Bifaelf during the concert’s activities.
The star Medhat Saleh, during the series “We Are Returning Ya Hawa” last year, presented an exceptional performance, strongly expressing the content of the work, with a light-hearted spirit, carrying a lot of grief and the smell of the past full of unforgettable memories, so much so that the song “Hennet El Beit” became widely popular and became an icon. Last Ramadan in everything related to the past, family gatherings, and memories of old times.