The result of the sixth grade of primary school with the seat number for the second term, 2024, with the student’s national number, the basic education portal

Search rates have increased significantly among parents and students about the results of the sixth grade of primary school, second term for the year 2024, after students completed their exams in all governorates, and now we provide you on our NNI Egypt website with easy steps to find out the details and inquire about the result of the primary certificate with seat number 2024.

Link to the results of the sixth grade of primary school, second term 2024

Once the papers are corrected and grades are monitored, the results will be approved and officially announced. Students and parents can follow the below steps to get the result easily via Basic Education Results Portal:

  1. Visiting site:
  2. Service selection:

    • From the home page, choose “Electronic Services”.

  3. Determine results:

    • Choose “Transfer Class Results” from the list and choose the sixth grade result.

  4. Data Entry:

    • Enter the required data such as the student’s name, seat number, educational department, and national ID.

  5. Choosing the educational stage:

    • Select the educational stage (primary/preparatory).

  6. Academic year and semester:

    • Choose the academic year 2024 and the second semester.

  7. National ID:

    • Enter the student’s national number.

  8. Result query:

    • Press the “Inquiry” button and wait a few seconds for the result to appear on the screen.

The NNI Egypt family wishes all primary school students success and success in their academic lives.

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