745 thousand students, both male and female, started In high schoolTaking a subject exam Second foreign language It includes “French, Spanish, Italian, German and Chinese” from nine in the morning and for two hours until 11 am.
During the students’ entry, the examination committees witnessed careful inspection procedures to prevent students from entering the examination committees by any means of cheating. The committees also warned students of the necessity of adhering to the instructions for taking the exam so that no student would be exposed to legal accountability.
She explained The Ministry of Educationthat exam grades Second foreign language For the third year of secondary school, 40 marks, adding that the number of questions is 31, including 29 optional questions and two essay questions, and 70% of the questions are for the simple and intermediate mental levels and 30% for the higher mental levels, and the questions will not be complicated or difficult, stressing that the questions will be clear and free of complications. Their answers measure the student’s understanding and learning outcomes.
Final preparations for students before the start of the exam
Final preparations for students before the start of the exam
Final preparations for students before the start of the exam
Students in last minute review
Students reviewing the last moments
Students reviewing the last moments
Stay tuned for students and families before the start of the exam
Students and parents anticipate before the exam begins
Stay tuned for students and families before the start of the exam
Stay tuned for students and families before the start of the exam
Hamas is a student before the exam
Enthusiasm of students before the start of the exam
Enthusiasm of students before the start of the exam
Enthusiasm of students before the start of the exam
A final review at the committee’s gate
Students review before the start of the exam
Last minute review
Group review among students before the exam
Group review among students before the exam
Student review with intense focus
Review before starting the second foreign language exam
Review before starting the second foreign language exam
Review before starting the second foreign language exam
Side discussions between students before the exam