Australia.. An attacker kills 6 in a shopping center and the police kill him | News

Australian police said they shot dead an attacker who stabbed six people to death in a mall in Sydney, specifically in the beach suburb of Bondi, on Saturday, while hundreds fled the scene.

The police explained that a policewoman shot the attacker after he attacked people in the crowded Westfield Bondi Junction shopping centre, noting that 5 of the dead were women, while 8 other people were injured, including an infant who had not yet completed his first year.

Reuters quoted New South Wales Police Commissioner Karen Webb as saying that the attack did not appear to be related to terrorism, as she said in a press conference held today.

Regarding the identity of the perpetrator of the operation who was killed by Australian security bullets, Webb said that he was in his forties, but his identity has not yet been determined.

In turn, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said that there is no indication yet of the man’s motives, describing what happened as “a horrific act of violence that randomly targeted innocent people who were shopping on an ordinary Saturday… The hearts of all Australians tonight are with the victims of these terrible acts.” .

According to Reuters, Australia has some of the strictest gun and firearms laws in the world, and it is rare for an attack like this to occur today.

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