Beit Al-Rifai series, Episode 2.. Hajj Mahmoud was buried in Nazlet El-Semman cemetery. Know the history of the region

to attest House of Al-Rifai series Episode 2: Hot events after Yassin “Amir Karara” was accused of killing his father, Hajj Mahmoud Al-Rifai (Ahmed Fouad Selim), after a verbal argument with him about the antiquities trade and the leadership of the family that Farouk would take over, and many matters that developed in the conversation between them, and Yassin was arrested, and Hajj was buried. Mahmoud Al-Rifai in Nazlet El-Semman Cemetery, and here is what you want to know about the place.

The Nazlet El-Semman area, where the events of the Beit Al-Rifai series take place, shown within Ramadan 2024 dramaIt is a village located in the Haram district, Giza Governorate, and is famous for its sports of archery and horse riding.

History of Nazlet El-Semman

It was previously called “Quail Pond” due to the presence of flood waters in it, which reached up to the feet of the Sphinx at the bottom of the plateau. The people of the region lived at the top of the plateau, so quails would land in the region during the seasonal bird migrations. According to the English documents that were released, the English soldiers used to hunt in that area. After the construction of the Aswan reservoir, the water receded, and the people began to descend from the plateau and build their homes in the current area.

Initially, Nazlet El-Semman was administratively affiliated with the village of El-Koum El-Akhdar, but in 1932 it became an independent administrative entity and the Al-Ahram Police Department was established there, to which all the surrounding villages now belong, including El-Kom El-Akhdar.

Due to their presence in the area, which contains many famous monuments, the pyramids and the Sphinx, the people began working in the field of tourism and providing tourism services to visitors to the archaeological area.

It is noteworthy that the first episode of the Beit Al-Rifai series ended when Yahya (Tamer Nabil) and his uncle Abdel Hamid (Sayed Ragab) entered Yassin and his father Mahmoud and found him standing in front of his deceased father. Do they accuse Yassin of killing his father? Especially since it was said outside the room where Yassin was with his father that Yassin was upset and very angry with his father after he chose Farouk to be the head of the family after him.

From Yassin’s behavior with his cousin Farouk, it seems that there is something old between them, and Haj Mahmoud asked everyone to leave him with Yassin, after he informed them of his decision. Mahmoud talks to his son Yassin and assures him that he is Farouk because he is close to him, and that it is possible to change the will in favor of Yassin, but the latter He refuses and confronts his father about collecting his money from the drug and antiquities trade and that he is hiding the nature of his work from his wife and children.

Yassin gets into a verbal argument with his father, which ends with Hajj Mahmoud becoming very emotional and suffering a health crisis. Yahya and Abdul Hamid enter, but Mahmoud has breathed his last while Yassin is in front of him. It is expected that there will be suspicions that Yassin was the one who killed his father, especially since they say that Yassin was accused of… mother.

House of Al-Rifai series It is shown as part of the Ramadan 2024 series on ON channel at 9 pm and replays at 1:30 am and 9:45 am. It is shown on ON Drama channel at 12 midnight and replays at 6 am and 4:30 pm, in addition to showing the work on the watch it platform at 7 pm.

Beit Al-Rifai series starring: Amir Karara, Ahmed Rizk, Sayed Ragab, Mirna Jamil, Mohamed Lotfy, Tamer Nabil, Safaa Al-Toukhi, Malak Qawra, Rehab El-Gamal, Enas Kamel, Aida Riyad, Ahmed Fouad Selim, Ahmed Abdullah, Mustafa Abbas and a number of others. Among the artists, written by Peter Mimi, Hend Abdullah, and Amr Abu Zeid, directed by Ahmed Nader Galal, and produced by Synergy Company.

The series “Beit Al-Rifai” is based on the conflicts between the family over inheritance and managing their business. The promo revealed two cousins ​​who have a large house in Nazlet El-Semman. Karara lives far from the family and their business because he is not satisfied with it, but he finds himself in conflict with his cousin Ahmed. Rizk is appointed leader of the family, and at the same time he is accused of killing his father and is forced to flee.

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