Bill Gates.. Grandpa

“Play and show off your muscles… Grandpa always applauds for more.” In a humorous way, the book “How to Babysit for Grandpa” by Jean Regan presents a depiction of a day in the life of a child with his grandfather who must take care of him.

The American billionaire, Bill Gates, had appeared earlier while reading this book in one of the photos that his daughter, Jennifer, from his ex-wife, Melinda, shared, in which he was engrossed in reading in front of his granddaughter, “Lily.”

The photo shows another side of the “fierce” businessman and the famous technology mogul, but this time it is: Bill Gates, “the caring grandfather.”

The first granddaughter of the co-founder of Microsoft – who was born in March 2023 – added a lot to him, so that he began to see the world from a different perspective.

This is confirmed by Bill Gates himself, who said earlier on her birthday: “Becoming a grandfather has given me a completely new lens through which to see the world.”

“It keeps me motivated to ensure that my granddaughter – and all of our grandchildren – inherit a better world than they were born into,” the billionaire added.

The 68-year-old billionaire considered that the idea of ​​being a grandfather gives him a new dimension to his work, which he confirmed in one of his articles in this regard, when he said: “When I think about the world into which my grandson is born, I feel more inspired than ever to help everyone’s children and grandchildren in “Having a chance to survive and thrive.”

Read also: The first question Bill Gates would like to ask the time traveler is about the future

Among the things that grandfather’s life changed for Gates was his view of aging as well, and he expressed this by saying: “When I was in my twenties, I did not think that anyone my grandparents’ age had anything useful to offer the entire world…but with… “As I get older, I see how wrong I was.”

Gates, the grandfather, hopes that through his work he can help create a better world that future generations deserve, according to what he wrote in a previous post entitled “The Future Our Grandchildren Deserve,” while he was then waiting for his first granddaughter.

He stated that helping children in poor countries is the “top global priority” of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

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