Egypt and Israel relations: It cannot be that Egypt did not know about the smuggling in Gaza

For years, Egypt lulled us to sleep with disinformation that it destroyed the Hamas tunnels. For years we have heard stories about sewage being pumped into the outdoor tunnels from Rafah in Egypt to Gaza, but the quantities of weapons that the IDF uncovered were of incredible magnitude, surprising even Israel. There is no way that such quantities of weapons smuggled into Gaza were not in the possession and knowledge of the Egyptian authorities. These tunnels They became the King’s Road, where luxury cars passed alongside crazy amounts of missiles and weapons, and all of this would not have been possible without Egyptian assistance.

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Weapons and weapons found in the Gaza Strip (photo: IDF spokesperson)
Weapons and weapons found in the Gaza Strip (photo: IDF spokesperson)

Egypt played a double game in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, and quietly chose the side of Hamas and provided it with the military means with which it is fighting Israel today. Egypt, which for years has been dealing with murder and terrorist attacks by the Muslim Brotherhood who threaten the Egyptian government, has decided to change its policy and choose peace from a home with the internal enemy, at the expense of Israel, with which it has signed a peace agreement.

Egypt has never sided with Israel in any international forum, and has always been against it in UN votes. Now Cairo is joining South Africa’s lawsuit against Israel to save Hamas, which indicates that Egypt has made an alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood – an alliance that sacrifices Israeli interests to produce peace and understanding with The enemy from home that threatens the Egyptian regime.

The Muslim Brotherhood is an extremist Sunni movement founded in 1928 in Egypt by Imam Hassan al-Banna. The movement aims to turn Egypt and Arab countries into Halacha countries and to rule Sharia laws in the constitution. For years the organization was persecuted by the authorities in Egypt and its leaders were imprisoned. In 2012, their representative Muhammad Morsi won the elections and was appointed president.

Mohammed Morsi (Photo: Reuters)
Mohammed Morsi (Photo: Reuters)

A year later, a military coup took place, Morsi was imprisoned and ended his life in prison. The Muslim Brotherhood has been declared a terrorist organization by Egypt and other countries, and its leaders are in constant pursuit. This is an extreme anti-Semitic organization that declares its desire to destroy Israel and is in contact with terrorist organizations all over the world.

The historic visit of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to Egypt last February, as part of the Turkish-Egyptian reconciliation, resulted in dramatic actions against the Muslim Brotherhood in Turkey. Among other things, Erdogan’s humiliating decision to revoke his citizenship and revoke the passport of Mahmoud Hossein, the general guide of the Muslim Brotherhood who is staying in Istanbul, was published.

Against this background, Egypt’s decision to join South Africa’s anti-Semitic demand, which calls for an immediate ceasefire to be imposed on Israel, is incomprehensible. The Muslim Brotherhood is the declared enemy of Egyptian President al-Sisi and is the twin of the terrorist organization Hamas in Gaza. Egypt’s complicity with South Africa’s demand for an immediate end to the war is puzzling and can be explained mainly by the serious fear that the IDF will discover the dozens of tunnels from Egypt’s Rafah to Gaza, which were dug by Hamas knowingly, while giving salvos to the Egyptian soldiers.

The representatives from South Africa at the tribunal in The Hague (Photo: REUTERS/Thilo Schmuelgen)
The representatives from South Africa at the tribunal in The Hague (Photo: REUTERS/Thilo Schmuelgen)

Egypt fears that the IDF will reveal the well-known secret, that the large weapons and missiles were smuggled in with its knowledge and in an overt or covert agreement with the Muslim Brotherhood, and is pressuring the US to stop the IDF from expanding the military maneuver. American pressure is making it difficult for Israel to move the hundreds of thousands of Gazans from Rafah to the north The Gaza Strip, and therefore Israel is taking caution, but also determination, to evacuate certain areas and allow the IDF to hold onto the Philadelphia axis and the Gaza crossing of Rafah.

Egypt’s fear of an outbreak of Gazan citizens into its territory is also clear, although Israel has promised that this will not happen, but this is the secondary reason. Another reason could be financial. The continuation of the war between Israel and Hamas also directly affects Egypt’s economy, and within the country as well as among opposition circles outside of it, criticism of the regime is increasing.

The attacks by the Houthis from Yemen on vessels in the Red Sea reduced the traffic in the Suez Canal by about 50%. The canal is one of the most important sources of foreign exchange income for the Egyptian economy, and Egypt needs to restore its income. The war is also hurting the Egyptian tourism industry, with the World Bank, in its latest update on the Egyptian economy, predicting that this year’s growth will amount to only 2.8% – the lowest rate Since 2013.

Tunnel in Rafah. Credit: Social Networks (Photo: Social Networks)

The main reason, then, is probably the fear that Israel will discover the insane number of tunnels connecting Gaza’s and Egypt’s Rafah, which were established with the permission of the Egyptian government. Egypt’s announcement of joining South Africa’s petition against Israel at the International Court of Justice in The Hague represents a step up in the tensions that have been registered between Jerusalem and Cairo since Israel entered Rafah.

In Jerusalem, they are angry that Egypt not only turned to The Hague, but closed the Rafah crossing for humanitarian aid in order to increase international pressure on Israel, even though it was not the one that stopped the aid. Egypt continues to make things difficult for Israel, and according to the Al Arabiya network, Egypt, Qatar and other Arab countries rejected Israel’s offer to control the Civil Administration in the Gaza Strip the day after the war.

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