In the second episode of The Assassins serieswhich was shown, on the DMC channel, starring Karim Abdel Aziz. Hassan Al-Sabah arrived in Egypt, and events continued and the city of Samar Qand, which was mentioned during the events of Episode 2 of The Assassins, was highlighted. It is a city in Uzbekistan, and the city has special importance for plastic artists who… They spotted some artistic paintings about the city.
Sotheby’s previously presented, for international auctions, a painting entitled “Prayer in Samar Qand” by artist Daniel Stepanov, and the value of the painting is between 150,000 and 200,000 pounds sterling.
Samar Qand is the second largest city in Uzbekistan, and the painting dates back to 1925. The painting is an important work belonging to Russian modernism, and the painting consists of three figures with an almost overlapping perspective.
Samar Qand painting
In the second episode of The Assassins series Starring Karim Abdel Aziz, which is shown on the DMC channel, simultaneously with its showing on the Watch It platform, Hassan Al-Sabah “Karim Abdel Aziz” arrived in Egypt, and asked Badr al-Din al-Jamali Known as the Prince of the Armies, Hassan Al-Sabah was forced to leave immediately upon his arrival.
It was Badr al-Din al-Jamali who appeared in The Assassins series, episode 2 Mamluk of Armenia, then he was freed and promoted until he became the commander of the armies in the Levant. Caliph Al-Mustansir summoned him from the Levant to appoint him to the ministry in the year 173 AD during the Mustansiriya crisis, the crises that almost destroyed Al-Mustansir’s state.
Badr al-Din al-Jamali had to face a number of crises, such as conflicts between Turkish and African army factions, attacks by Berbers on the delta, constant famine due to the low level of the Nile, epidemics and famines, and the Seljuks’ seizure of parts of the Levant. Egypt was threatened from all sides. Badr al-Din al-Jamali came with his forces. Armenians from the Levant lived in Cairo, whose population had greatly diminished due to epidemics. The population of Fustat and Al-Qataie’ had also decreased at that time and most of them had been demolished.
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