Everything is expected for International Women’s Day 2024

At the beginning of a new week, here is a cluster of cultural events, including events for International Women’s Day which falls on March 8. Culture and art for you.

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1. New album for Shay Zornitzer
Shay Zornitzer, who is remembered as one of the stars of the early 90s, starred in the successful musical “Yosef and the striped shirt” and released the huge hit “Pledge” (I love you) – surprising and coming out with a new album that brings together some of the favorite songs in Israeli music in an intimate arrangement and exposed in the spirit the period Accompanying on the classical guitar: Avi Singolda.

Shay Zornitzer (Photo: Efrat Eshel)
Shay Zornitzer (Photo: Efrat Eshel)

Among the songs on the album: “A song without a name”, “She is here again”, “After all you are a song”, “Until the end of summer” and more by artists including Naomi Shemer and Sasha Argov, with whom he has worked over the years. In addition, he renews his hit “Pledge”, and also includes “Yesh Other” – a performance of a new song, one of the last that the late Ehud Menor wrote in his life, with whom Zornitzer collaborated before his death. Zornitzer discovered the song at the height of a crisis at the end of his marriage, and connected with him .

“There is another” clip: https://youtu.be/E3PvxiVP2X8?si=p4_JLh4A9kBZwG9l

2. The kibbutz dance troupe in a show in honor of International Women’s Day. Halls of the Knights, Acre
In the Knights’ Halls and in Acre, International Women’s Day is celebrated with a sensory event that includes a dance performance by the kibbutz dance troupe, a tour of the Knights’ Halls and the citadel in Old Acre.

The day will open with a gathering and a stroll through the ancient knights’ halls to the citadel, continue in the ancient ‘dining room’ hall for a celebration of rhythm and sweeping movement with the kibbutz dance troupe. The dancers of Kibbutz 2 will open a show that includes excerpts from the band’s works and will gradually increase the pace and energy, incorporating the audience into movement and rhythm suitable for boys and girls of all ages.

After the show, the audience is invited to continue touring Acre, which offers its visitors a rich history, the colorful market, an artisan quarter, fish restaurants, a beach, sweets and more.

The event is held in collaboration with the kibbutz dance troupe, the company for the development of Old Acre and Nazareth Ltd., Western Galilee Time – an association for the promotion of tourism – Jewish National Fund USA

Friday March 8 starting at 10:30

Acre (photo: Anatoly Michaelou)
Acre (photo: Anatoly Michaelou)

3. Eighty years to Yona Wallach. Beit Bialik
Yona Wallach, the most influential Hebrew poet of the second half of the 20th century, is still present some forty years after her death. In the last year, two major and significant books about her were published: “The Yona Wallach Book” which collects articles and essays on her poetry (published by the United Kibbutz Ha’Echad) and “The Poems Outside the Books” (published by the Kibbutz Ha’Echaed Siman Keira Books), a collection of her poems that were not published in the library.

The evening, which will take place on Thursday, March 7 at 8:00 PM at Beit Bialik in Tel Aviv, will mark the 80th anniversary of Yona Wallach and will center on the question of Yona Wallach’s inheritance. In the first part, three different speakers will ask to answer the question: “What is Yona Wallach’s inheritance?” And in the second part – poets whose poetry Wallach influenced will read from their poems and Wallach’s poems.

Bialik Square (Photo: Barak Brinker)
Bialik Square (Photo: Barak Brinker)

Eran Tzur will perform songs from the album “You are my friend”.

Moderator: Orit Mittal Music: Eran Tzur

4. Editing marathon in Wikipedia of entries about female artists from Israel and abroad. Artport
This is the sixth time in the tradition that Artport joins art bodies around the world for a day of writing essays about female artists from Israel and abroad. The event was held in collaboration with the Wikimedia Israel association and its volunteers and on the occasion of International Women’s Day.

Of the entries about personalities in Wikipedia in English and Hebrew, only 20% are about women. The Art + Feminism initiative that takes place every year around International Women’s Day aims to change the gender division. A marathon of writing essays on women artists takes place all over the world in the week around Women’s Day and is hosted in various institutions including the “Mouma” in New York, the Brooklyn Museum and the University of Berkeley in San Francisco, alongside marathons in institutions in Nigeria, Tokyo and more. In the writing marathons held at Artport, dozens of new entries about female artists were added, and many entries about international female artists were translated into Hebrew.

In the program: getting to know Wikipedia and learning basic rules, writing new entries, translating existing entries into Hebrew.

Friday 8.3 from 10:00-14:00

To register: https://www.artport.art/event/edit-a-thon2024/

5. “In full exclusion” – International Women’s Day events. Municipality of Tel Aviv-Yafo
During the month of March (March 3-14) the Municipality of Tel Aviv-Jaffa will hold a cluster of events for Women’s Day under the title “In full exclusion” – including:

Gender Equality Week in Tel Aviv-Yafo, led by the Director of Community Culture and Sports and the Authority for Resilience and Social Equality;

The world needs you!” Distribution of activity kits in schools to create an in-depth and coordinated discussion on gender equality and its importance to society;

Running for Kidnappings – Yad Eliyahu neighborhood in a women’s run for Kidnappings, with Eden Yerushalmi, a resident of the neighborhood;

“Evan Gvirot” – a wandering exhibition in Evan Gvirol with the cooperation of residents and businesses;

Lectures by prominent women during the Iron Swords War;

Jaffa Women’s Day events at Beit Miriam – the home for gender equality;

A multi-generational event for the women’s community in the city at the Tel Aviv-Jaffa City Museum – dialogue meeting and family photography;

“Voices” – cultural and artistic events marking International Women’s Day in the five urban cultural centers of Bialik Square: the Tel Aviv-Jaffa City Museum, Bialik House, Beit LaBiling and the Felicia Blumenthal Music and Library Center;

The World Needs You Kit (Photo: Yeh'ach)
The World Needs You Kit (Photo: Yeh’ach)

“Choose the Light” lecture by Iris Haim, the mother of the abductee Yotam Haim, who was killed by fire from our forces, at the Brodt Jewish Center.

A lecture by Michal Kaifan, the welfare reporter of News 12. About the behind the scenes of the press coverage. Mendel House Cultural Center.

A lecture by Almog Booker, the southern correspondent of News 13, about the place of women in 2024. Chess House Community Center. and more.


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