Far Tessy: I thought once you got a new show, you’d stop the bullshit


The singer and composer Par Tassi, a longtime friend of Ron Shalom, closed a week with him and Yoav Cohen in the studio • Koffman returned for another round and asked pointed questions

Today Yoav Cohen hosted the singer and composer Par Tessi and the writer Eitan Darmon on the occasion of the show’s exciting status and the closing of the first week on the air.

“I thought once you got a new show, you’d cut the crap,” Tessy said. “Ron was one of the people who gave me that push. It’s an energy that everyone wants to be around.” Shalom later told about his long acquaintance with Far.

What happened when Heron Heron claimed that Far took the song ’38’ from him? To solve the issue, they spoke with the Israeli songwriter and composer Avi Ohion, who will judge what is happening in the studio. And as if that wasn’t enough, the station’s presenter Ron Coffman also joined the celebration.

And also: Perla Danoch, a member of the show’s team, talked about her love for luxury.


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Far Tessi

Far Tessi &nbsp| Photo: 103fm

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