Ira Yair Gisfan, an armored fighter, was killed yesterday in a battle in the southern Gaza Strip

IRA Sergeant Yair Gisfan, 19 years old from Petach Tikva, was killed yesterday (Tuesday) in a battle in the Gaza Strip. Gisfan was an armored fighter in the 75th Battalion in the 7th Brigade, and the army said he was killed in the south of the Gaza Strip. He is the first casualty on the toll for next Memorial Day. According to the IDF, in recent days its forces in the southern Gaza Strip attacked a Hamas training post, killed terrorists there in face-to-face battles, and located a compound simulating IDF weapons.

Gisfan was the son of Amit and Talia, he studied at Oranim School, Feinstein Division and later at Brenner High School. He studied software engineering, whose graduates were designated for front-line positions in the IDF, but he insisted on serving in a combat unit. His teacher, Shay, said that he had a “captivating smile” that made it difficult for his teachers to be angry with him “even when he did stupid things.”

A tank-like vehicle that was located by IDF forces"to a Hamas training post
A tank-like vehicle that was located by IDF forces"to a Hamas training post

A tank-like vehicle that IDF forces located at a Hamas training post Photo: IDF spokesman

A tank-like vehicle that IDF forces located at a Hamas training post Photo: IDF spokesman

In Gaza City, the army withdrew its forces from the Zeytun neighborhood in the south of the city. At the same time, Division 98 began operating in the Jabaliya refugee camp in the north of the Gaza Strip, according to the army’s announcement “as part of the deepening of activity in the area.” The IDF said today that during the operation in the area, an Air Force aircraft was assassinated by a terrorist squad that was flying to the Sderot area yesterday.

Two rocket barrages were fired into Sderot today within an hour. The municipality said that an uninhabited building in a new neighborhood in the city was damaged during the shooting, and that two women who ran to a protected area during the alarm were bruised and slightly injured.

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