Moroccan Hamdallah waives a report against a Jeddah Union fan.. video

The crisis of player Abdel Razek Hamdallah has ended Saudi Jeddah Federation With his club’s fan, the duo waived the police reports they had issued to each other following the quarrel that took place between Hamdallah and the Saudi fan at the end of the Jeddah and Al Hilal Al-Ittihad match that was held yesterday.

The confrontation between Al-Ittihad and Al-Hilal in the final of the Saudi Super Cup ended with the latter winning 4-0 to a single goal, which angered Al-Ittihad fans, especially after it lost in all the confrontations against Al-Hilal in the current season in more than one competition.

The Saudi newspaper Al-Riyadiya published a report on the incident, in which it confirmed that Moroccan Abdel Razzaq Hamdallah, the striker of the Al-Ittihad team, and the spectator who clashed with him in the incident that followed Al-Hilal’s win of the Saudi Super Cup, Diriyah.

A spectator got into a verbal altercation with Hamdallah, in the first minutes of Al Hilal’s coronation, which developed into a clash that quickly ended with players, spectators and organizers intervening to end it. Video clips, spread on social media platforms, showed the altercation between the player and the spectator.

It is worth noting that the Emirati police arrested an Al-Ittihad club fan after he hit Abdul Razzaq Hamdallah with a stick twice after the confrontation that brought the team together against Al Hilal.

The fan clashed with the player after verbal disagreements took place between the two parties, which resulted in the player throwing water on the fan’s face, who reacted violently towards the player.

The cameras of the Mohammed bin Zayed Stadium in the Emirates, which hosted the confrontation between the two giants of Saudi football, showed the player Abdul Razzaq Hamdallah leaving the stadium after that incident, along with one of the match organizers.

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