Sherine Seif Al-Nasr.. The departure of the most famous stars of the 1990s drama | art

With the final hours of Eid al-Fitr, Sherif Seif El-Nasr, brother of artist Sherine Seif El-Nasr, announced the death of his younger half-sister through his personal account on social media platforms, at the age of 57, and he wrote in the post: “I passed away to God’s mercy today, my little sister.” The half-sister of the artist, Sherine Hanem, Elham Saif Al-Nasr, prayed and buried in the family cemetery in peace and quiet, as the deceased requested, and the ceremonies are limited to that without condolences according to her will. Please pray for her with mercy and forgiveness. We belong to God and to Him we shall return. According to press reports, the cause of death was due to To a severe drop in blood circulation.

A quiet life and a quieter departure

Actress Sherine Seif Al-Nasr was born in Jordan in 1967 to an Egyptian father, journalist Elham Seif Al-Nasr, and a Palestinian mother. Just as she lived in peace, she also left in peace and tranquility.

The death ceremonies were limited to prayer and burial in the family graves without condolences according to her will, and despite her retirement from the arts and staying away from screens and events for years, the news of her passing made her old fans sad, especially since she was one of the most famous drama stars in the 1990s.

Sherine Seif Al-Nasr’s beginnings

Sherine Seif Al-Nasr graduated from the Faculty of Law in Egypt, and lived for years in France without the dream of acting chasing her until she met the artist Youssef Francis, who happened to be working at the Egyptian embassy in France. Because of her aristocratic features and remarkable attractiveness, Francis decided to discover her artistically, and her first work was the series “One Thousand and One Nights” in 1986.

Although she presented several works after that, her fame and the audience’s connection with her began with the series “Ghadiboon wa Ghadabat” in 1993, which was a work of separate episodes co-starring with the star Sherif Mounir, and despite the passage of more than 30 years since the series, it is still being shown on television channels. Arabic and popular with the public.

Because of the balanced chemistry that brought together Sherine and Sharif on the screen, and the audience believed her, she also participated in the series “At Bab al-Wazir” in 1995. As for their most beautiful work and closest to the hearts of viewers, it is the series “The Thief I Love,” which achieved great success when it was shown in 1997.

Dualities in the life of Sherine Saif Al-Nasr

Sherif Mounir was not the only star that Sherine worked with more than once, and one of the most important duos in her television artistic career, which contributed to building her stardom, was the work in which she participated with the star Ahmed Abdel Aziz, who was at the time the most important and famous Egyptian television star, as they presented together. Both of them participated in the series “Who Doesn’t Love Fatima”, which is one of her best roles ever, and they also participated together in the second part of the series “Money and Sons”.

Cinematically, Sherine Seif Al-Nasr became famous due to her co-starring with Leader Adel Imam in the film “Sleeping in Honey.” She was also assigned to star in the play “Body Guard” with Adel Imam after Raghda’s apology. Therefore, it was not surprising that Al-Zaeem was her partner in her last film in 2002. And the movie “Prince of Darkness”.

3 marriages and a single ending

Although Sherine presented only 31 artistic works, which varied between series, films, and even fawazir and One Thousand and One Nights, and she disappeared many years ago, she remained in the public’s memory as one of the beauties of the nineties and one with an imprint, perhaps not the strongest in art or talent, but she is close to the spirit and conscience of the generation of the seventies and eighties.

As for her private life, Sherine Saif Al-Nasr married 3 times, all of which ended in divorce, and after her last separation, her mother died, which caused her psychological collapse and resulted in her experiencing a state of extreme sadness due to the strength of her relationship with her late mother.

The crisis was so strong that it forced her to retire artistically. She justified this by her inability to return to acting, although she came out years later to announce that she might one day return to art if she found a suitable job among what was offered to her, which did not happen, as her last work was the series “The Hardest Decision” in 2007.

Her most important works

In addition to the aforementioned films and series, the late Sherine Seif Al-Nasr participated in other works that received attention and achieved high views, most notably the movie “The Hanim Driver” with the late Ahmed Zaki, Sanaa Jamil, and Adel Adham. What is strange is that she apologized for participating in the movie more than once because of the kisses, but Ahmed Zaki He assured her that it would not be real, and when she fell in love with the story and scenario, she could not hesitate any longer, and indeed the work achieved great artistic success at the time of its presentation.

In 1992, she also participated in the series “Al-Ardhahalji” with Farid Shawqi, Karima Mukhtar, Wael Nour, and Magda Zaki, and the series “Years of Anger” in 1996, which was written by Egyptian writer Gamal Al-Ghitani and starring Izzat Al-Alayli, Salah Al-Saadani, Zizi Mustafa, and Jalila Mahmoud.

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