The traditional plane was canceled – so what is the reason for the many planes flying around the country? | Documentation

Many Israelis raised their heads today and noticed a flight of nine civilian planes in different areas throughout the country. As I remember, the traditional flight was canceled this year due to the situation, but another plane was seen in the sky.

Nine civilian planes flew in a missing structure across the country, as part of an exciting project in collaboration with “Ananim”, the headquarters of the abductees and Kfar Gaza. The plane that led the flight was piloted by Oren Turner who shot the videos from the cockpit.

The civilian planes passed over various areas throughout the country, including Tel Aviv, Palmachim, Shefei and other areas throughout the country. The planes waved the pictures of the 132 abductees who are currently in captivity in Gaza, and this, as mentioned, in order to raise awareness for the quick return of the abductees.

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