They steal books Black lover

Many writers and writers defend a hobby that some of them adopt, which is stealing books, whether from libraries, salons, or even from the homes of friends and loved ones. The late journalist Anis Mansour asked in one of his articles about, “Is stealing books forbidden?!” He cited the story of the German orientalist Paul Krauss, who “believed that stealing books was not forbidden. Therefore, we discovered after his suicide (in October 1944) that he had books that he had borrowed from the university library and from other libraries and had not returned. He did it on purpose. He advised us to do the same because we did not sell these books, but we needed to read them. We may return it later.”

One of the funny events in this context is what happened in 2019 to the Mexican ambassador to Argentina, Ricardo Valero, when a surveillance camera inside a library caught him stealing a book whose value does not exceed ten dollars, which is the autobiography of Giacomo Casanova, the Italian writer, soldier, and spy who rose to fame. His star in the eighth century, who was known for his female adventures. Worth ten dollars, it is the autobiography of Giacomo Casanova, the Italian writer, soldier, and spy who rose to fame in the eighth century, and who was known for his female adventures.

After the video was leaked, the Mexican Foreign Ministry summoned its ambassador, and he was forced to resign from his position, justifying his decision due to his deteriorating health condition, especially since he was seventy-seven years old.

The truth is that Valero paid a heavy price when his story with the book turned into one of the most important headlines on the various media outlets across the continents. He is known for his close relationship with books and libraries, as he worked as a researcher at the National Autonomous University in Mexico, and spent most of his professional life studying political science and the role of his country. In international relations.

The Fatwa Committee at Al-Azhar announced its categorical opinion on the issue, and confirmed that stealing books or acquiring forged books is forbidden by law, and that it is not permissible to steal media or written production, just as it is not permissible to attribute one person’s work to another person.

It was possible to pass on this topic without mentioning the author of the book “The Diary of a Thief,” Jean Genet, a famous French poet, novelist, and playwright. He was born on December 19, 1910 in Paris, and died there on April 15, 1986.

He was proud to be “the most famous thief in the history of world literature,” and considered that “theft is a victory for man, and not theft for the sake of stealing. When a writer steals a book, he supports the book, not himself, and this is an important cultural value.”

As for the pioneer, leader, and leader in this field, he is, without a doubt, Stephen Curry Bloomberg, who is the proverbial bookman. He is also famous for being the most successful book thief in the history of the United States of America. He was arrested in 1990 for stealing more than 23,600 books from 268 universities and museums or more. In 45 states, two Canadian provinces, and Washington, D.C., its value was set at approximately 20 million US dollars, but it was later changed to 5.3 million dollars. He was sentenced to 71 months in prison and a fine of 200 thousand dollars, and he was released on December 29, 1995.

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