To experience the hustle and bustle of the stadiums… Newcastle offers “acoustic” T-shirts to its deaf fans | sports

Newcastle United, the competitor in the English Premier League, said on Thursday that the club’s sponsor, Sila, will provide T-shirts equipped with technology that will allow deaf fans to experience the noisy atmosphere at St. James’ Park early next week.

Newcastle will host its rival, Tottenham, on Saturday, and the deaf will experience the loud crowd atmosphere in their team’s stadium for the first time ever through technology that turns the noise of the stadium into a sense of touch.

Deaf or hard-of-hearing fans will wear these pioneering T-shirts, known as “Sound T-Shirts,” in the stands.

“It is very important for us as a proud sponsor of our partnership with Newcastle United to ensure that every fan is able to experience the amazing atmosphere,” says Ibrahim Mohtaseb, Senior Vice President of Selah.

St James’ Park is famous for its hustle and emotional atmosphere. Through this initiative, “we hope to enable deaf and hearing-impaired fans to feel that they are part of this match.”

Sela also donated its shirt sponsorship and on-field advertising to the Royal National Institute for the Deaf, which supports 12 million deaf people in the United Kingdom, and is the first hearing loss charity to appear on a Premier League shirt.

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