Video | Kuwait.. A member of the ruling family was arrested for growing “marijuana” in his home

The Kuwaiti Ministry of Interior announced the arrest of a member of the ruling family on charges of cultivating marijuana in his home, as well as the arrest of three Asians in possession of narcotic substances.

The Kuwaiti Interior Ministry issued a statement confirming that 270 seedlings of marijuana, 5,130 kilograms of marijuana ready for use, and 4,150 Captagon pills were found.

The statement added that 620 cigarettes of marijuana were found, 50 grams of hashish, 21 grams of cocaine, 6 cans of marijuana oil, 27 grams of psychedelic mushrooms, 2 electronic cigarettes of marijuana, and 3 pieces of… Marijuana sweets and 10 bottles of alcohol.

The Ministry’s statement said that all necessary legal measures are being taken in preparation for referring the accused and the seized items to the Narcotics Prosecution, where the competent authority will take the necessary action against them.

The Kuwaiti Ministry of Interior confirmed the continuation of its security efforts to arrest anyone who tempts himself to trade and promote narcotic substances, as no one is above the law.

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