“We will ensure that the North gets what it deserves, Davoni needs a war for that”


Moshe Davidovitz, Head of the Meta Asher Regional Council and Chairman of the Line of Conflict Forum, on the Iranian attack yesterday (Saturday): “Overall, the incident passed peacefully” • About the injuries that landed, he said: “We had a really unpleasant experience of two UAVs that landed “

Moshe Davidovitz, head of the Meta Asher Regional Council and chairman of the Line of Conflict Forum, spoke to Liat Ron on 104.5fm. At the beginning of his remarks he referred to the Iranian attack on Israel yesterday (Saturday): “Yesterday we had a really unpleasant experience of two UAVs that landed In her parking lot.” He also said on the subject: “I assume that the IDF is prepared properly. All in all, the event went smoothly.”

Davidovich referred to the plan for the North that includes the transfer of funds for defense and said: “We are committed to the North getting what it deserves, unfortunately we need a war for that.”


Moshe Davidovich Photography: Yaniv Leni

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