After 10 years.. the series “Compulsory Path” brings back Moaz Nabil and Ahmed Dash

The naughty kid is back Moaz Nabil in the movie “No blame”, 10 years after his cooperation with the star Ahmed Dash, to appear with him again in “Compulsory Path” serieswhich was shown in the Ramadan 2024 drama season, and its events revolve around the characters of two young men, Ahmed Dash and Issam Omar, but they have two different personalities from each other, and coincidence leads them to discover a secret related to their lives.

Moaz Nabil with Ahmed Dash

An old photo from behind the scenes The movie “No blame” It was the reason for the return of the name Moaz Nabil on social media platforms, and even communication with “Dash”“Someone shared the picture from the movie, and they said that I resembled Hussein Al-Shahat, the Al-Ahly player, and this is because of the similarity of our features, and from here people started asking about me, and why I disappeared, and at that time communication was restored again with Ahmed Dash, and this is what led me to a forced path.”

Who does not blame for study and work

Although the duo participated in the film “Lamkhatha”, each of them took another path. One of Moaz’s most important participations was in the series “Lahfa” when he was a young child, before he became busy studying, moving away from art, and even working in “Call Center”, but he did not neglect attending. Acting workshops and training, and participation in some works, the most prominent of which were “Awlad Rizk,” “Sad Radd,” “Harbana Menha,” “Captain Anoush,” and others that were said to be completely absent from the artistic scene.

Ahmed Dash and artist Moaz Nabil

Ahmed Dash nominated me when I asked him

Regarding his participation in a compulsory course this year, Moaz confirmed in television statements

Moaz Nabil and director Nadine Khan

: He contacted Ahmed Dash, and the latter nominated him: “Ahmed Dash was the one who nominated me. The truth is, after I entered his speech and asked him for this, the truth is that I did not delay and spoke to my teacher, Nadine, about me. In fact, she asked me for an audition for the role and I went, and she was convinced and wanted to give me a chance.”

Moaz Nabil expressed, about returning to work again with a childhood colleague: “With regard to participating with Dash, I was very happy in truth, and he was very kind to me and always treated me with brotherhood and relieved me of any pressure, and the joy and comfort at work allowed me to do my best. I have great energy.” ».

A forced course brings back Moaz Nabil and Ahmed Dash again

Regarding his preparations for the work, he explained that he added some touches to resemble the presented character: “In preparation, I was completely normal in appearance because he was someone from the street, so I made my beard and fingernails long in a way that was not the best.”

Who is the young artist Moaz Nabil?

Moaz NabilHe is an Egyptian actor, born on April 7, 2002 in Giza Governorate. Director Amr Salama chose him to participate in the children’s cast in the 2014 movie “No Reckoning,” where he played the role of “Moamen,” Hani’s friend.

Ahmed Dash to the “Ninth Programme”: The United Company has supported me since the first day of the “compulsory path” trial.

Ramadan 2024 series.. Ahmed Dash shares the scenes of “Compulsory Path”

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