Aisha bin Ahmed: I lived 10 years of isolation in Egypt.. and this series liberated me!

Mohammed Shaban

Published on: Friday, May 24, 2024 – 5:11 AM | Last updated: Friday, May 24, 2024 – 5:17 AM

Tunisian artist, Aisha Ben Ahmed, revealed that fame increased her fear of entering into romantic relationships and commitment, noting that she had lived 10 years in complete isolation since her arrival to Egypt.
She said during statements to the “With You” program with journalist Mona El Shazly, broadcast on “ON E” on Thursday evening, that she used to spend most of her time at work, then travel to Tunisia to spend her time with her family and friends, then return to Egypt to work again.
She continued: “When I started working and became famous, I lived in Egypt, and I isolated myself a lot. I spent 10 years of my life working and finishing filming, and the next day I traveled to Tunisia. I had no social life in Egypt, nor did I go out or do anything.”
She added that the series “Without Warning” represented a turning point in her life, saying: “I don’t know what happened to me after filming Without Warning. I decided that I wanted to live and go out and see people. From the day of Eid, anyone would tell me to go out; I say, ‘Let’s go.’
Bin Ahmed attributed this transformation to her feeling tired and exhausted after filming the series “Without Warning,” adding: “I felt like my life was passing by, and I was not enjoying it at all. I felt comfortable and didn’t think much anymore; Because staying at home and being alone destroys any human being.”
She expressed her happiness with her new experience of going out, discovering new places, and meeting new people, saying: “I am very happy now. After 10 years, I was isolated on my own. 80% of my life was work. I informed my mother that I would not return after filming, and every day I go out.” .

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