Amid the escalation of their attacks.. Palestine calls for settlers to be held accountable

On Sunday, Palestine called on the International Criminal Court to issue arrest warrants against settlers who commit B. crimesWest BankAnd called for international intervention to force the Israeli government to stop settlement projects.

This came in a statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs after settler attacks targeted Palestinian towns, which led to the death of two people and the wounding of dozens by bullets.Dozens of homes and vehicles were burned Last Friday and Saturday, and continued today, Sunday.

Palestine calls for the issuance of arrest warrants against settlers

The ministry called on the International Criminal Court to “quickly issue arrest warrants against the extremist colonialists and those behind them, who commit crimes against the Palestinians and bring them to international justice,” according to the statement.

It called on the international community to “intervene urgently to force the Israeli government to stop all its settlement activities, dismantle the colonialist armed organizations and militias, withdraw their weapons, stop their funding, and punish those who stand behind them and provide them with support and protection.”

It also called for “imposing binding international sanctions on the entire colonial settlement system and deeming it illegal and illegitimate.”

Palestine “strongly condemned the violations and crimes of the colonialist militias and their armed terrorist elements, firing live bullets at defenseless citizens, depriving them of their lives, and burning their homes and vehicles.”

It pointed to “a noticeable escalation in the largest and most heinous incitement process by the extremists of the colonialists, which led to the martyrdom of two citizens, the injury of a number of other citizens by bullets of the colonialists, and the burning of dozens of citizens’ homes and vehicles.”

The Palestinian Foreign Ministry said: “Organized settler terrorism has reached unprecedented levels under the protection of the occupation army,” noting that “the terrorist colonial militias derive encouragement, support and support from the political level.”

Settlers’ aggression against the raiders

Since last Friday, settlers have continued their attacks, protected by the Israeli occupation forces, on several villages and towns south of Nablus (Duma, Burin, Qaryut, Qasra, and Beit Furik), and north and east of Ramallah (Al-Mughayir, Beitin, Deir Jarir, Silwad, Ein Sinya, Abu Falah, Barqa, Apothecary, and Western Farm).

Earlier on Sunday, the Deputy Chairman of the Al-Mughir Village Council, Marzouq Abu Naim, said: “One martyr was killed by colonialist bullets, and 45 others were injured by live bullets, including 5 in danger, during the colonialists’ continued aggression against the village for the third day in a row.”

He added: “The colonists burned 16 houses, including 10 completely, and burned more than 60 vehicles.”

Abu Naim added that the day before yesterday, Friday, settlers stole 120 sheep belonging to the citizen Imad Abu Alia, after they beat him, in addition to stealing 25 sheep belonging to the citizen Sami Shoman.

He pointed out that during their aggression, the colonialists burned 15 sheep pens and slaughtered 31 sheep belonging to the citizen Saleh Suleiman Nasr.

On Sunday morning, the occupation forces closed the two main entrances to the village and prevented citizens from entering or exiting.

The funeral of the martyr child Omar Hamed took place in two houses

In addition, hundreds of people celebrated in the village of Beitin, east of Ramallah, on Sunday. The body of a Palestinian martyr killed by settlers During a previous attack.

On Saturday evening, the Palestinian Ministry of Health announced the death of the child Omar Ahmed Abdel-Ghani Hamed (17 years old) as a result of critical injuries as a result of the settlers’ aggression against the village of Beitin in the Ramallah district.

The martyr’s funeral procession set off from the Palestine Medical Complex in central Ramallah, to his hometown, where the burial ceremony of the body took place in the village cemetery.

The mourners chanted slogans in which they remembered Gaza and Al-Aqsa Mosque, including: “From two verses, a tribute to proud Gaza. Al-Aqsa’s door is made of iron. Only the martyr can open it.”

Meanwhile, on Sunday morning, dozens of settlers stormed the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, protected by the Israeli occupation police.

The Jerusalem Governorate reported that “about 360 colonists stormed Al-Aqsa from the Mughrabi Gate side, carried out provocative tours of its courtyards, and performed Talmudic rituals.”

The so-called “Temple Organizations” groups had called on their followers to storm Al-Aqsa Mosque today, Sunday, allegedly in response to the closure of the mosque to the colonizers for 16 days, prior to the last ten days of the month of Ramadan and during Eid al-Fitr.

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