An interlude of delicious moments… Here Al Zahid: The film is very original… It doesn’t take anything away from the outside

Hadeel Hilal

Published on: Thursday, April 11, 2024 – 9:28 PM | Last updated: Thursday, April 11, 2024 – 9:29 PM

Actress Hana Al-Zahed said that she was impressed by the script for the movie “An Interlude of Delicious Moments” as soon as she read it, noting that it was different from other movie scenarios.

She added during statements to the “Al-Mashhad Tag” program, broadcast on “Al-Mashhad” satellite channel, on Thursday evening: “I did not take anything from outside. The film is very original, and it presents two different characters; Doria and Barbie.

She expressed her happiness in cooperating with artist Hisham Majed and director Ahmed El Gendy, saying that she had cooperated with the latter more than once, including the series “Al Wad Sayed El Shahat.”

For his part, artist Hisham Majed said that the idea of ​​the film was what attracted him most to participate in it, adding: “The idea has more than one world, and the fantasy that we are used to making and people accept from us, and it has a dramatic and human part that I love.”

He stated that he was not happy with the link between “an interlude of delicious moments” and the movie “Barbie,” commenting: “His only connection to Barbie is that here Al-Zahid actually resembles Barbie.”

The film “An Interlude of Delicious Moments” written by Sherif Naguib and George Azmy, directed by Ahmed El Gendy, and co-starring Hana El Zahed, Hisham Majed, Bayoumi Fouad, Mohamed Tharwat, the child Jean Ramez, and Ghada Ibrahim.

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