An official comment from Indonesia after statements by Israeli officials about normalization discussions between the two countries

(CNN)The Indonesian state media agency, Antara, said that Indonesia “has no plan to establish diplomatic relations with Israel.” Statements of informed Israeli officials to the network CNNOn Thursday, Israel held talks with Indonesia, which has the largest Muslim population in the world, over the past three months to normalize relations between the two countries, amid… The ongoing war in the Gaza Strip.

The Indonesian agency quoted a statement made by Foreign Ministry spokesman Muhammad Iqbal, which said: “I confirm that so far we have no plan to establish diplomatic relations with Israel, especially since Israel has not yet stopped its atrocities in Gaza yet.”

Iqbal added, “Indonesia will always remain consistent and will be on the front lines of defense The rights of the Palestinian nation“.

The Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not respond to a query CNN About this matter.

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