Beit Al-Rifai series, Episode 4.. Ahmed Rizk is behind the deportation car operation with the aim of killing Karara

The fourth episode of House of Al-Rifai series For the star Amir Karara Which is displayed on channel ON And a platform Watch itFarouk (Ahmed Rizk) was involved in a transport vehicle collision with the deportation vehicle in which Yassin (Amir Karara) was present. He spoke to one of his men about his concern that his order to hire a driver to ram the deportation vehicle and kill Yassin would be exposed.

Farouk justified his desire to kill Yassin by saying that he wanted to avenge his uncle Mahmoud, and at the same time he believes that the investigations and trial will take time and in the end he will receive a prison sentence and not the death penalty. After that, Farouk meets Salah (Ahmed Abdullah), the husband of Hind (Enas Kamel), Yassin’s ex-wife. He offers to facilitate the sale of the land he desires in exchange for handing Yassin over to him in any way.

The fourth episode of House of Al-Rifai seriesLawyer’s advertisement for family members Al-Rifai Before his death, Hajj Mahmoud (Ahmed Fouad Selim) wrote all the real estate and property in the name of Farouk (Ahmed Rizk) and transferred all the money to Farouk’s account amidst shock from Abdel Hamid (Sayed Ragab), as he questions the will.

Farouk threatens his uncle Abdel Hamid not to talk about the matter completely, expels him from the house, and tells him that if he returns home and finds him, he will kill him, while the scene shifts to Alexandria, where Samia Sweets talks to Yassin and reassures him that she will not report him no matter what because she is afraid of entering the department so that she will not be arrested on the grounds that People say that she is a night girl, but she is not, but she works as a hairdresser and beautician, and Samia confirms to Yassin that she does not believe that he killed his father.

Show dates for the Beit Al-Rifai series

The series “House of Al-Rifai” is shown within Ramadan 2024 series on Channel ON the hour 9 in the evening, and repeats at 1:30 am and 9:45 am, and it is shown on the channel ON Drama at 12 midnight and replay at 6 am and 4.30 pm, in addition to showing the work on the platform. watch it 7 pm.

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