Biden talks about the “red line” in Gaza… and the chances of reaching a truce

And repeat Biden In the interview, he called for a six-week ceasefire to release the hostages and deliver aid, despite faltering negotiations.

In response to a question whether it is still possible to reach a ceasefire a month ago Ramadan Imminent, Biden said, “I think it’s always possible. I will never give up on that goal.”

Biden stressed that the Israeli threat to invade a city Rafah In the southern sector Gaza It would be a “red line” for the Prime Minister Benjamin NetanyahuHe said: “It is a red line, but I will never abandon Israel. Defending Israel is still very important. So there is no red line that I can cut off (at) all weapons so that they do not have Iron Dome To protect them”.

In somewhat contradictory remarks during the interview, Biden said “they cannot kill an additional 30,000 Palestinians as a result of the pursuit” of militants. agitation.

Biden added: “There are other ways to deal with the shock caused by Hamas,” referring to the attack carried out by the movement on October 7 in southern… Israel Which Israel says led to the death of 1,200 people.

Biden insisted that Netanyahu “should pay more attention to the innocent lives lost as a result of the measures taken.”

He continued, saying: “Netanyahu is doing more harm than good to Israel with the way he is managing it The war in Gaza“.

Biden and his aides urged Netanyahu in strong terms not to launch a major attack in Rafah before Israel develops a plan for a mass evacuation of civilians from the last area of ​​Gaza that has not yet been overrun by ground forces, as more than half of Gaza’s population of 2.3 million people are sheltering in the area.

Israel and Hamas blame each other for the cessation of the talks mediated by both Egypt The United States and Qatar since January.

A single previous agreement led to a cessation of fighting between Israel and Hamas for a week in November, during which the movement released more than 100 hostages, while Israel released about three times that number of Palestinian prisoners.

Hamas holds responsible for the faltering negotiations on a ceasefire and the release of 134 hostages to Israel, saying that it refuses to provide guarantees to end the war or withdraw forces from the Gaza Strip.

Five months after the start of the ongoing air and ground attack launched by Israel on Gaza, Palestinian health authorities said that nearly 31,000 Palestinians were killed and more than 72,500 others were injured, and it is feared that thousands more remain dead under the rubble.

The war broke out after Hamas launched an attack on southern Israel on October 7, which, according to Israeli statistics, led to the death of 1,200 people and the kidnapping of 253 hostages.

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