But in the Israeli media: the legendary editor has passed away

Amalia Rosen (photo Gali Tehal)

Amalia Rosen, one of the veteran editors and music editors of Gali IDF, passed away today at the age of 95. Amalia, a Galzanik by birth, was born in the city of Galats, in Romania, and in 1953, upon her enlistment in the IDF, came to Galaz. Over the years, Amalia became a music editor. mythological, which had a great influence on the Israeli soundtrack and continued in practice right up to the last few years.

Among the many programs she conducted were: “Matsad Marganit”, “Oldies”, “Shabbat Sounds” and also the programs “Seven-Eps-Seven”, “Historical Hour” and “Over and Under the Blanket”. Amalia was known for her extraordinary memory of the whereabouts of each and every record in the rich Gali T’hal record label and as an editor who always won the radio game show “Hit the record”. As the station was for her an object of great love, as well as devotion and loyalty – that’s how we at Gali IDF loved her.

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Tal Lev Ram, commander of the IDF Waves: Amalia Rosen, accompanied the IDF Waves and thus also the country, from its early years until the last decade. Beyond all her extraordinary professional virtues, the Gali IDF personnel know to this day what characterizes her work in her humanity, through the country she always demonstrated, the modesty and inspiring human relations. Amalia is a rare woman, who will forever remain a part of the soundtrack of the Gali IDF station. And throughout all her years at the station, she was the most loved by all the people of GLC-Galaglat, from her oldest to the youngest among her soldiers. The Gali IDF family bows its head and shares in the grief of the Rosen family and its friends.

Yoram Rotem, the chief music editor of Gali IDF: “Amalia always said that she was the “oldest soldier of the IDF” since she was born in the city of Galats in Romania and always considered the station her second home. Generations of listeners, including myself, have grown up on the many programs that the station has conducted, chief among them the “Marganit Parade” which has become a veritable institution in the station’s history. Our listeners learned a lot from her rich musical knowledge and the respect and love she had for all types of music, especially classical music and the best Hebrew and international singers.’

Brigadier General (Res.) Avi Benyahu, former GLA commander: “The late Amalia Rosen shaped the Israeli soundtrack to a significant extent. For decades she had Gali T’hal for her home and her records for Yesha’s Holy Hall and she marveled at the design of this soundtrack through the verbal chorus marches to the editing of many programs, primarily those of Alex Ansky. The classic of the classic of the Hebrew singer will accompany her way up. I loved and appreciated her and her dedication.’

Nachman Shai, former GLA commander: “I am very sorry for the death of the late Amalia Rosen.” Amalia, with her modesty and great wisdom, was for years one of the pillars of GLC. She made an important contribution to the musical diversity of the station, to its many-faceted music and many requests in the fields of music and culture. All this, always with a smile, and with a good face.’

Her funeral will take place tomorrow, (Wednesday) at 12:30 in the Pinsker cemetery in Herzliya.

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  • 5.

    natural place



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    For those who were born in Galatz.


  • 4.

    I remember the soundtrack well



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    The amazing one woven into all the episodes of the historical hour. Each segment corresponds to the period to which the episode refers, great music.


  • 3.

    Happy old age (L.T.)



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  • Just a fool (L.T.)



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  • 2.

    Indeed a mythological name.. I have heard it many times.. May her memory be blessed (L.T.)



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  • 1.

    But in the media.



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    95 is a respectable age!!! According to the title of the article, it sounds as if a young woman died… died in a good yeshiva. A little bit of proportion gentlemen reporters.


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