Literature and the Sixth Finger Generation… Osama Al-Muslim is the most famous unknown writer

If thought still takes into account the saying of the philosopher Gramsci: “The old is dying and the new cannot yet be born, and between them many sick symptoms appear, great in their diversity,” then the Corona crisis in particular has contributed to the decisiveness that the new has actually been born.

Michel Cyr, the philosopher of optimism about the communications revolution, says: “The future is not for production societies, but for communication and communications societies.”

The virus has directed many criticisms at thought, knowledge, art, and literature, by not responding to the new changes and circumstances produced by the Corona disaster, making the mind burdened by comprehending what happened, under the pretext of requiring cognitive response, patience, and waiting for results.

Due to Corona, technology has cooperated with knowledge in producing digital existence, which includes thought, literature, art, and more, through artificial intelligence and digital communication.

The most famous unknown writer

He knew the writer’s signing ceremony Saudi Osama Al-Muslim (1977), in Rabat Book Fairreceived great demand from a young Moroccan audience, enthusiastic about his writings in the world of fantasy, imagination, horror and suspense, after he published 32 novels in this field, the most prominent of which are the “Orchards of Arabistan” and “Khuf” series.

His audience, the majority of whom were girls (12-17 years old), sometimes accompanied by a family member, came from various areas in MoroccoIn order to obtain a signed copy from the writer of one of his novels, which resulted in stampedes and fainting cases that had never been witnessed in the history of the book fair itself, and had never happened with any famous writer, which prompted the fair management to cancel the signing ceremony.

One fan said, “Muslim is the number one Arab fantasy writer.” The same Saudi writer said: “I am happy with this huge crowd, and sad at the same time, because I could not meet the requests of my audience.”

“We are facing a short message that came to us from the future: Wake up. A new world is being formed, and with it a new human being will be born who is not necessarily subject to our old templates and outdated tools of understanding.”

He added: “I built my relationship with the Moroccan public 3 years ago, and I was surprised by this enthusiasm for my work. I will try, in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture, to organize signing parties between the months of July and August.”

Literature of fantasy, horror, and alterity

The Saudi writer said in an interview with Al-Ikhbariya channel: “Fantasy literature needs a special structure… The writer must precede the audience and should not remain behind him.” He also indicated the completion of a deal to direct his works to cinema and television.

The Moroccan critic and researcher in the psychology of literature, Hassan Al-Moudin, answers Al-Sharq’s question about horror literature: “The horror novel deserves careful and sober study in its relationship to the type of social groups that accept it, in light of the historical, social, and psychological context of Arab society today, in its relationship with death.” And violence and evil.”

He continues: “The most important thing that distinguishes the horror novel is fear; the other, for example, is no longer the love, security, and refuge in human thinking in general, as it was in the seventies. Therefore, the reader of these novels is attached to a kind of salvation that the hero offers him, such as resisting moral and physical death.” “.

Media communication and literary advertising

Al-Sharq followed what was written about the phenomenon of the Saudi writer in the Moroccan and Arab press and on social networking sites, as opinions clashed between supporters and opponents.

Writer and translator Muhammad Ait Lamim told Al-Sharq: “In fact, neither its writer nor its readers are happy with this literary product, who are not well-trained in reading and knowledge.”

While Younis Miskin wrote: “We are facing a short message that came to us from the future: Wake up. A new world is being formed, and with it a new human being will be born who is not necessarily subject to our old templates and outdated tools of understanding.”

“There are those who say that the Saudi writer relies on a commercial company that undertakes advertising and digital promotion for him through social media sites, and there is an opinion that says that he relies on YouTubers.”

He added: “I am hearing this from the writer for the first time, and what attracted me most about this discussion is the helplessness that has prevailed over us in the face of the transformations taking place around us, and our insistence on receiving facts and events out of prejudice and certainties, taking refuge in sand barricades, and our haste to produce positions and judgments instead of elements of understanding.” And assimilation.”

Digital Presence and Literature

There are those who say that the Saudi writer relied on a commercial company that undertakes advertising and digital promotion of him through social networking sites, and there is an opinion that he relied on the Moroccan YouTuber Abdullah, nicknamed (Bermon), who presented some of Osama Al-Muslim’s novels in attractive videos for young people, through intelligence programs. Artificial, promoting it on social networking sites.

Relying on a cultural and literary “agent” is common in Europe and America, while the creator and artist in the Arab world ignore this.

Commercial company or cultural agent
The Netherlands launched a poetic cultural tradition, entitled “Poet of the Nation.” The Dutch poet Geert Commerey was the first to obtain the title, followed by other Dutch poets (the public takes pride in their work).

However, as soon as the mechanism of nomination and voting by the public changed via the Internet, established poets in Dutch literature retreated, due to their lack of preference for working with technology and building a network of digital relationships, while that title was obtained by young Dutch poets who do not belong to the Dutch (serious) poetic heritage, meaning those who criticize them. Osama Al-Muslim.

Study this phenomenon socially and creatively

Most of the debate focused on the creative and narrative value of the writer Osama Al-Muslim, as he was criticized on the level of the Arabic language and construction, and with regard to serious and committed literature, and everyone has fulfilled his due due in terms of his opinion and thinking, while what is required is to study this phenomenon socially and creatively. Whoever says that his manners are serious and respectable, others view him as something other than that.

Michel Cyr says: “We are on a ship that is gradually taking on water, so we have to stop arguing and fighting, and take care of repairing it.” Thus, the phenomenon should be taken care of, not explained, or blamed only on “frivolity” and superficiality.

Literature has always been a subject of controversy, and here is its strength, while agreement on it weakens its diversity. We are the product of time and it determines our position. Schopenhauer says, “The self that perceives the world is the one that makes it its subject; hence it is my ‘representation’; that is, I am the one who represents it to myself in some way.”

Natural science research supported this opinion, saying that colors or sounds are subjective, that is, they are not qualities in the things themselves, but rather are bestowed by the self on things, and it was confirmed by the German philosopher (Kant), when he made space and time subjective images, as well as the categories that understand the self. Through the outside world.

We only see the outside of the world. So we say (we are the world), and thus we project our perceptions onto it, while the world is a force and an independent existence in itself.

Medicine, education, and the sixth finger generation

The French philosopher Michel Cyr borrowed children’s stories and used them in his book “The Girl with the Little Finger”, that is, the finger used to write on the screen of smartphones and computers, as young people write with two fingers quickly and simultaneously, as if they had a sixth finger, presenting an optimistic view of their achievements. “Society information,” in a complete educational and pedagogical system.

Who performs delicate and difficult medical operations that use lasers and require flexible movements of the fingers and hands?

Practical medical experience says: They are young doctors in particular, who have the “sixth” finger and have a very fast typing speed on the smartphone screen, compared to the elderly. That finger also relates to education when the father listens to instructions and gives his son or daughter an explanation of the use of technology, phones, and social networking sites. Thus, the father or mother becomes a listener and a follower of his son after he was the leader and role model.

Goodbye literary sobriety…hello lightness

The semiotics of advertising has changed thanks to the digital presence, as well as libraries and books that can be saved on a small USB. Education, the concepts of justice, freedom, and the right of nations to change their fate have changed, and here is the war against Gaza, exposing the West and its aggression against humanity, whether Arab or European.

Therefore, why do writing, art, cinema and creativity not change? Philosophy is no longer anything but an “art of living,” or “living in the company of philosophy,” and tragedy is nothing but the meaning of joy and life, a celebration of certainty and doubt, absence in the form of presence, and rubble in the form of the impetus for construction.

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