Carrying a rifle.. the North Korean leader inspects a military training base

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un was shown inspecting a major military training base carrying a rifle, as he urged his military to Intensify his trainingAccording to what was published by official media today, Thursday.

Pictures showed the North Korean leader wearing a black leather jacket and carrying a rifle, while speaking to soldiers, supervising shooting exercises and inspecting weapons.

The official Korean Central News Agency, which published the photos, said that Kim asked his army, during his visit to the base located in the country’s western region, to “steadily intensify actual military training aimed at quickly improving its combat capabilities in order to… Full preparation for war“.

Kim’s inspection visit comes at a time when Seoul and Washington are holding their annual military exercises, called “Freedom Shield”, which include field and missile interception exercises, in addition to some live ammunition exercises.

Joint Chiefs of Staff spokesman Colonel Lee Sung-joon said two days ago that the exercises are primarily aimed at neutralizing North Korea’s nuclear threats, including by “identifying and striking” cruise missiles, which Pyongyang has indicated could carry nuclear warheads. .

“Sacred struggle”

For its part, Pyongyang described the exercises as “reckless,” and the Central News Agency reported that the soldiers pledged to Kim their “strong loyalty (…) in the sacred struggle for the country’s security.”

North Korea considers this to be… Joint military maneuvers Between the United States and South Korea it serves as a rehearsal for an invasion of its territory, and it has conducted military missile tests in the past in response.

Kim Jong Un reiterated last month that Pyongyang would not hesitate to “end” South Korea if his country was attacked, describing Seoul as “North Korea’s number one and most dangerous enemy and a steadfast arch enemy.”

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