Cate Blanchett.. How she circumvented the regulations and supported Gaza.. Pictures

Cate Blanchett The famous international star resorted to a clever trick to show her support for Palestine and what is happening in Gaza in an innovative way, as she made sure to wear a black dress in the front and white in the back as if it were an ordinary dress that did not carry any symbolism so that she could enter the red carpet of the Cannes Film Festival with all comfort, but she quickly… revealed Cate Blanchett She expressed her intentions to support Gaza and Palestine as soon as she pulled the hem of the dress, which revealed a green lining, to draw the Palestinian flag consisting of white, black, green, and of course red, which is the red carpet spread on the floor of the entrance to the festival.

She could Cate Blanchett She gained the admiration of her fans and those interested in the Palestinian issue during her presence at the Cannes Film Festival to attend the screening of The Apprentice participating in the 77th Cannes Film Festival.

And the star appeared Cate Blanchett On the red carpet of the 77th Cannes Film Festival, during the screening of her film Rumors, Kate appeared accompanied by Denis Minochet, Rolando Ravelo, Evan Johnson, Galen Johnson, Nikki Amoka-Bird, Jay Madden, Philip Crozier, Liz Jarvis, Charles Dance, Roy Dupuis, Rolando Ravelo.

In a related context, the film Orient 12 is participating in the 77th session of the Cannes Film Festival, which will be screened as part of the Directors’ Week competition at the Cannes Film Festival 2024.

The film takes place within a framework of satirical fantasy in a closed world outside of time, and the composition and colors of the poster express that situation. It was designed by Hala Al-Qusi and executed by Alia Salah El-Din and Mohamed Badr.

The film stars Manah Al-Batrawi and Ahmed Kamal, and also witnesses the first cinematic appearance of two rising talents, Omar Raziq and Fayza Shamah, with the participation of Osama Abu Al-Atta and Bassem Wadih.

Cate Blanchett supports Gaza
Cate Blanchett supports Gaza

Cate Blanchett
Cate Blanchett

Cate Blanchett supports Gaza
Cate Blanchett supports Gaza

Cate Blanchett
Cate Blanchett

Cate Blanchett supports Gaza
Cate Blanchett supports Gaza

Cate Blanchett
Cate Blanchett

Cate Blanchett supports Gaza
Cate Blanchett supports Gaza

Cate Blanchett
Cate Blanchett

Cate Blanchett supports Gaza
Cate Blanchett supports Gaza

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