Day 7: 3 amazing shots in the Administrative Capital scene

“The Seventh Day” will publish in tomorrow’s issue of the print edition a group of important coverages, the most important of which is “3 dazzling shots in the scene of the Administrative Capital.. The President’s performance of the Yemeni Constitutional Declaration of the New Republic.. The Prime Minister: The celebration came out in the best way and confirmed the ability of the Egyptians to complete construction and development “.

Read the issue also..

– Politicians: The harvest of 10 years of hard work… and the state is keen to address the current situation

– International outrage over Israel’s targeting of “International Kitchen” workers, and the death toll in Gaza reaches 33,000.

– Haqq Arab…a modern treatment of the “Oedipus complex”

– Rania Youssef to “The Seventh Day”: The marital disputes in “We Stayed Two” were actually experienced in all their details.

– Allocating 61 plots of land in 18 new cities to establish urban and commercial projects

– An emergency meeting of the Arab League Council at the level of delegates to discuss the war in Gaza.. Aboul Gheit: The Security Council’s decision to cease fire is an overdue awakening.. The Egyptian representative warns of the invasion of Rafah.. and Palestine calls for Israel to be held accountable.

– “Solidarity” launches Ramadan awareness nights under the slogan “With awareness… Egypt changes for the better.”

– “Finance”: The state is moving on integrated paths to improve the economic situation

Day seven tomorrow

Day seven tomorrow

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