Egypt News.. Ministry of Aviation: There is no truth to the emergency closure of Egyptian airspace

Over the past few hours, Youm7 published many important news and reports, the most prominent of which was the Ministry of Aviation denying the news that was circulating regarding the issuance of a decision to close Egyptian airspace in an emergency manner.

The following is a summary of Egypt’s news for one o’clock in the afternoon:

Ministry of Aviation: There is no truth to the emergency closure of Egyptian airspace

The Cabinet Media Center revealed that, in light of the news that was circulated regarding the issuance of a decision to close Egyptian airspace in an emergency manner, the Center contacted the Ministry of Civil Aviation, which denied the news, stressing that there is no truth to closing Egyptian airspace in an emergency manner, and that it was not done. Issuing any decisions in this regard by any official body.

Ministry of Education: First and second year exams are set by departments and are not unified

The Ministry of Education and Technical Education is preparing to evaluate students in… End of school year examsThe Ministry confirmed that the questions for the second semester exams for the first and second grades of general secondary school will be held electronically for everyone who receives tablet devices, explaining that the questions or exam are not unified at the level of the Republic, but rather that educational departments set questions at the level of each department and they are uploaded to the electronic exam platform.

EgyptAir: Resuming flights to Jordan, Iraq and Lebanon after opening the airspace

EgyptAir announced in a press statement the re-operation of its flights to and from various airports in Jordan, Iraq and Lebanon, due to the reopening of airspace to air traffic in the aforementioned countries.

The number of victims of the aggression on Gaza has risen to 33,729 martyrs and 76,371 injured since October 7.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health announced on Sunday that the number of victims of the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip had risen to 33,729 martyrs and 76,371 injured since October 7, according to urgent news from the Cairo News Channel.

Stop the genocide…new demonstrations across Europe to stop the war on Gaza

Thousands of people took to the streets of European capitals to protest The war in GazaStudents raised banners in the Italian capital demanding an immediate ceasefire.

Chambers of Commerce: The price of rice decreased by 23% in the markets, and a kilo reached 26.95 pounds

The Federation of Chambers of Commerce announced a decrease Rice prices In the markets, it increased by 23%, recording price levels of 26.95 pounds per kilo, compared to a price of 35 pounds.

Health: Completion of 54 projects in 24 governorates at a cost of 57.3 billion pounds in 2026.

Dr. Anwar Ismail, Assistant Minister of Health for National Projects Affairs, confirmed that the projects are expected to be completed within 6 to 8 months, at a cost of 10.9 billion pounds, in 11 governorates, with a total number of 2,747 beds in more than 20 projects.

Climate Center: Temperatures will rise starting today, reaching 38 degrees on Wednesday

Dr. Muhammad Ali Fahim, head of the Climate Information Center, said:Ministry Of Agriculture And land reclamation, a gradual rise in temperatures is expected due to a temporary surface depression that will lead to an increase in temperature starting today, Sunday, to reach record values ​​on Wednesday exceeding 36-38°C in all regions and continuing Thursday in Upper Egypt..

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