Find out the time for the Maghrib call to prayer today, Monday, in Gharbia Governorate

The seventh day offers an appointment Maghreb’s prayer Today is Monday in Gharbia Governorate, corresponding to the first of the holy month of Ramadan, where searches are increasing through search engines on Fajr prayer times specifically in the month of Ramadan, as well as the times of the Maghrib call to prayer.

The number of fasting hours today, Monday, is 13 hours and 18 minutes.

The call to prayer is called for the Maghrib prayer at 6:01, followed by the call to prayer for the evening prayer at 7:19 minutes after an hour and 18 minutes.

According to the Imsakiya of the month of Ramadan,

Fajr prayer 4:34 AM

Sunrise 6:10 AM

Dhuhr prayer: 12:05 PM

Asr prayer 3:28 PM

Maghrib prayer 6:01 PM

Isha prayer 7:19 PM

The Endowments Directorate in Gharbia Governorate fully prepared to welcome the Holy Month, by reviewing the maintenance work of the mosques, carrying out comprehensive cleaning campaigns, and decorating the mosques with lights to welcome the Holy Month.

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