German police cut off electricity to a pro-Palestinian conference

German police cut off power and ended a conference of pro-Palestinian activists on Friday after a banned speaker appeared on circuit television, organizers said.

The activities of the Palestinian conference were scheduled to last for three days, with the aim of raising awareness of the “genocide” committed by Israel in Gaza.

He promoted the conference Pro-Palestinian groups Of which Democracy movement in Europe 2025, which is led by former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis.

The police decided to cancel the last two days of the conference and attributed the decision to their concern about the possibility of spread Hate speech.

Among the speakers was activist Salman Abu Sitta, who wrote an article in January in which he expressed his understanding of the motives of the movement’s militants. agitation Who attacked Israel in October 7th.

“Clips were shown of a speaker banned due to his political activity,” Berlin police said on social media. “There is a risk that a speaker who had previously made statements would appear on screen.” Anti-Semitic Violence is glorified. It was decided to end gatherings and ban them on Saturday and Sunday.”

The conference organizers said that the police intervened when Salman, who Stern magazine reported was banned from entering Germany, began speaking via video conference.

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