Hagari: In the tunnel with Marwan Issa was another senior member of Hamas

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War of Iron Swords

The underground complex that was attacked [צילום: דובר צה”ל]
The senior Ghazi Abu Tama’a was responsible for all the means of warfare of Hamas in Gaza There were other terrorists with him in the tunnel that was bombed and it is increasingly believed that they were all killed The operation was planned for many days, after verification that no hostages were being held there

The IDF spokesman, Brigadier General Daniel Hagari, says (11.3.24) that the underground complex that was attacked on Saturday night in the Nochirat area in the center of the Gaza Strip, was used not only by Marwan Issa, the deputy of Muhammad Daf and one of the planners of the massacre, but also Another senior Hamas official, Ghazi Abu Tamaa, former commander of the Central Camps Brigade and currently in charge of all Hamas weapons in Gaza. Next to them in the tunnel were other terrorists.

“We are still examining the results of the attack, and final verification has not yet been received regarding them – this is for the reason that it is underground and there is also complexity in verification aspects for all kinds of intelligence reasons. When we know for sure [שאכן חוסלו] – We will inform the public,” Hagari said.

According to him, such an operation is planned for many days, “with a number of preparations that sometimes require cancellation due to all kinds of variables, and so was this operation. It is based on quality intelligence from several different formations in the Intelligence Division together with close cooperation with several units of the Shev.” about. And all this at the end of the day with the precise execution of the Air Force, which we built here together a unique countermeasures method.” We have a great deal of determination and we also have patience – eliminating senior Hamas officials is a major effort in the war,” he noted.

The speaker emphasized that according to the well-checked intelligence signs, there were no Israeli abductees in the area. Brigadier General Hagari also said: “Instead of allowing Ramadan with a humanitarian ceasefire, Hamas consciously chose to thwart any attempt to reach an agreement that would lead to the release of hostages, a lull in the fighting and the possibility of a peaceful Ramadan in Gaza. Hamas chose otherwise. Hamas is now trying to set the area on fire, among other things, through the use of false propaganda and incitement – with an emphasis on social networks. We are deployed in the field with many forces for defense and our countermeasures will be increased in the face of all attempted attacks. We are working first and foremost to maintain security, but also alongside our desire to allow freedom of worship in Ramadan within the security and safety limitations.”

date: 11/03/2024 | Updated: 11/03/2024

Idan Yosef

+Lapid on the day after: in the civilian apparatus there is no obstacle to working with the PA
09:19 12/03/24  | Merav Arad

The head of the opposition, Lapid, commented in an interview here with Network B that a solution must be found for the day after the war with the Palestinian Authority: “There is no obstacle in the civilian apparatus to work with the PA, even today we work with them. The government needs to decide whether it deals with politics or Israel’s security. If it is Israel’s security – we will work with the authority”.

+UNRA – the evil organization that must be removed from the world
09:00 12/03/24  | Emanuel Ben-Savo | for the full list

It behooves the Israeli government and its leader to create a united front yesterday with Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations against UNRWA, to lead an international move that does not amount to just stopping the transfer of budgets in the millions of dollars every year to this evil organization, but to act with all our might to close and shut down this agency

Bad organization [צילום: מחמוד לאן/AP]

+Israel attacked about 100 km deep in Lebanon
22:49 11/03/24  | Idan Yosef

In Lebanon, four Israeli attacks are reported in the Baalbak region, about 100 km from the Israeli border, which caused at least six deaths and injuries. As I recall, two weeks ago Israel attacked there for the first time since the beginning of the war in response to the downing of the Israeli Hermes 450 UAV that the Hezbollah air defense system intercepted in the south Lebanon.

According to Arab reports, one of the targets in the attack is a maintenance center belonging to Hezbollah near the Dar al-Amal hospital in the Baalbak region. According to another report, a textile shop was attacked.

The IDF spokeswoman said: fighter jets attacked two compounds of the terrorist organization Hezbollah in the Bekaa area deep in Lebanon. The compounds are associated with the Hezbollah air force that planned and executed various targets towards the territory of the State of Israel.

The attacks were carried out in response to the operation of Hezbollah aircraft towards the Golan Heights during the past few days.

The scene of one of the attacks

+Israel transfers dozens of Palestinian orphans from Gaza to Yosh
17:17 11/03/24  | Idan Yosef | for the full list

Without a gesture from Hamas, without the approval of the Cabinet – Israel transfers Palestinian orphans, accompanied by elderly Gazans, from Gaza to Bethlehem ▪ Minister Smotrich demands from the Prime Minister clarifications “who gave this immoral order and by what authority”

Fighters in the Gaza Strip [צילום אילוסטרציה: דובר צה”ל]
+Mea Shearim: The police broke up a procession against the state and stopped a person lighting the national flag
16:55 11/03/24  | Idan Yosef

During the procession of an ultra-Orthodox faction in the Mea Shearim neighborhood, a 24-year-old resident of Jerusalem who set the national flag on fire was arrested and taken to a police station for questioning. During the procession, flags of the Palestinian Authority and banners condemning the state were raised.

A confrontation developed between the participants of the procession and the residents, which included, among other things, throwing eggs at the marchers due to strong opposition to their actions. The police forces from Lev HaBira station with the assistance of security forces worked to disperse the marchers.

[צילום: דוברות המשטרה]
+Alarms were activated in Ma’alot Tarshiha in Kiryat Shmona and Eilat
16:05 11/03/24  | Idan Yosef

The alarms in the Western Galilee: 22 launches were detected, 4 of them were intercepted, one of them above Ma’alot, and the rest fell in uninhabited areas – no casualties and no damage. The alarms in the Upper Galilee and Kiryat Shmona: 4 launches were detected that fell in uninhabited areas – no damage and casualties. One of the launches is intercepted above Maalot. The alarm in Eilat turned out to be a false alarm.

The alarm in Eilat [צילום: שימוש לפי סעיף 27א לחוק זכויות יוצרים]

+Fighter jets attacked a Hezbollah military site in the Al Jabin area
14:00 11/03/24  | Merav Arad

Fighter jets attacked (Monday) a short time ago a military site of the Hezbollah terrorist organization in the Al Jabin area. During the night, another military site of the organization was attacked in the A-Taiba area. Following a warning about the infiltration of hostile aircraft in the northern Golan, two aerial targets were identified that crossed from Lebanese territory to Israeli territory and fell in open areas in the northern Golan

+Peace is now between the Jews and themselves
13:49 11/03/24  | Mordechai Lipman | for the full list

In all the news coming from the front, there are also those that tell about the fall of soldiers/heroes doing reserve service and often the words “he left behind a widow and 3 children” are attached to them and often, too close, even more children, the history of the affinity of the families of the fallen to the Zionist way of life the religious

[צילום: תומר נויברג/פלאש 90]

+The silence will echo the shame of the silent
13:22 11/03/24  | Emanuel Ben-Savo | for the full list

On the forehead of the international women’s organizations, in the Shabbat Simchat Torah massacre, the sign of Cain for the world was stamped ▪ These organizations betrayed the idea of ​​identification, protest, which proved that sensitivity, like shock, is selective, one right for a rapist all over the world and one right for a rapist in the State of Israel

Selective shock [צילום: יעקב בנימין/פלאש 90]

In a joint operation of the Dovdevan unit and Shin Bet fighters in Kfar Zita in the Menashe division, under the direction of the Shin Bet, this evening (Monday, 11.3.24) a terrorist was eliminated who was on his way to Israeli territory to carry out a close-in attack in the immediate time frame, with a weapon and an explosive device on him ready for use.

In Israel, the assessment is growing that the Hamas Chief of Staff was indeed eliminated. The attempted assassination of Marwan Issa was while the terrorist was hiding in a tunnel. Defense Minister Yoav Galant sent a strong hint of this and said: “There have been successes – even in the last few days.”

The IDF and the Civil Administration were involved in the past day in an unusual operation to rescue more than 70 Gazan orphans to Judea and Samaria, while passing through Israeli territory, including the outskirts of Jerusalem. This was revealed (Monday, 11.3.24) by News 12.

National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir addressed a letter to Defense Minister Yoav Galant calling on him to instruct the Chief of Staff to cancel the command note to Brigadier General Barak Hiram. The Chief of Staff instructed to write a command note due to an incident that happened during the maneuver fighting in the Gaza Strip, about two months ago, in which Brigadier General Hiram Hasher authorized his fighters to blow up the Al-Asra University compound in the south of Gaza City, without receiving the necessary approval for this from the commander of the Southern Command, Major General Yaron Finkelman.

Since the disaster that befell us on 7/10, and even more so with the beginning of the large mobilizations as part of the army’s preparation for the attack on Gaza, we are witnessing a new process afflicting Israeli-Jewish society.

Itamar Levin
Merav Arad
Idan Yosef

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