Ibrahim Nour El-Din: I did not mean to belittle Al-Ahly and Zamalek, and my statements were interpreted incorrectly

The international ruling confirmed Ibrahim Nour El-Din His statements were misinterpreted, adding that he never underestimated the value of Al-Ahly and Zamalek, the two poles of Egyptian football.

And it was Ibrahim Nour El-Din He took over the management of the 127th summit match between Al-Ahly and Zamalek, which ended with the latter’s victory by two goals to one.

Nour El-Din said, in statements on the “The Sweet Game” program presented by the journalist Khaled Al-Ghandour on Radio On Sport FM: Full respect and appreciation to everyone, whether clubs, coaches or technical staff. Some interpreted my words incorrectly. My words were clear. I said that I managed the match because I I deserved to manage it, not because it was a top match and I was honored in it and I did not deserve it.

He added: When the federations want to honor a referee or official, this is done in a match that includes a coronation, and if it had been the League Cup final, I would have retired from it.

He continued: I said that this match is between… Al-Ahly and ZamalekOne of them is in ninth place and the second is in tenth place, and this does not diminish the two teams, because each of them has postponed matches due to playing in Africa, and after the postponements they will return to their usual ranking, but this match is not of the same value as the cup final that was held in Saudi Arabia, and it will not be of the same value. The summit of the second round in the league.

Regarding the pressure he was exposed to before the match, Noureddine said: The match did not have much sensitivity compared to the great pressure we were exposed to before the match. I thank everyone who exerted this pressure because they gave me motivation to perform at the best level and in the best match, and they made me focus more.

He added: What I want to say to everyone, I have every appreciation and respect for the boards of directors of Al-Ahly and Zamalek and the Football Association, is that they supported Egyptian arbitrationThe two clubs did not send any letter to the Federation to request a foreign referee, such as the Saudi match, and arbitration in Egypt is fine.

He continued, speaking about the decision to retire from arbitration: I made the decision to retire “like that,” and I will sit with the Federation Council and the Referees’ Committee to discuss the appropriate form of retirement, especially since I am an international referee until next December. The law is one, but its understanding is not the same, so referees differ in their decisions, and every person has the right. In commentary and technical analysis of any game, no match is without errors at the end.

He concluded: The Arab masses are flocking to… Al-Ahly and Zamalek matchHow can I belittle it or not wish to referee it? I did not seek to referee that match.

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