Iran warns Washington of the consequences of intervention if it attacks Israel News


Yesterday, Friday, Axios reported – citing American officials – that Tehran informed Arab governments that it would target American bases in the region if Washington intervened after any Iranian attack on Israel, in response to the targeting of the Iranian consulate in Damascus about two weeks ago.

Iran also informed those governments that it considers Washington responsible for the Israeli attack that killed 7 members Iran’s Revolutionary Guardsincluding a general, in the Syrian capital, despite American efforts to distance itself from that strike.

American officials added that Iran cannot attack American forces unless the latter participates with Israel in its counterattack, according to the American intelligence assessment.

They also expected that the Iranians were aiming for a limited response that would not lead to regional escalation.

They pointed out that the administration of US President Joe Biden She says that Tel Aviv did not consult with her or inform her before the strike, despite its potential effects on American forces in the region.

Attack on facilities

On the other hand, the British newspaper The Telegraph quoted Western intelligence officials as saying that they expect an Iranian attack on military and government buildings in Israel without targeting civilians.

The newspaper also quoted a source in the British Navy as saying that the United Kingdom has no plans to join American operations off the coast of Israel.

The British Financial Times quoted diplomats as saying that Tel Aviv may accept an Iranian response to the consulate attack in Damascus, if the losses are limited to material damage, but it will respond if there are casualties.

CNN also reported – according to a senior American official – that Washington expects Iran to carry out strikes against targets inside Israel, and that its agents may participate in carrying out the attacks.

The official suggested that Iran would target targets inside Israel as well as throughout the region.

The official Israeli radio reported that Tel Aviv rules out an Iranian attack on it from within Iran, but is prepared to confront any possible attack.

Israeli Yedioth Ahronoth, citing unnamed officials, said that there is maximum coordination with the Americans and other parties, and that the state of alert is at its peak in anticipation of a possible Iranian strike.

The newspaper added that if Iran attacks, “we have a long warning period that allows for preparation and aerial interception.”

These statements come as the world awaits a possible Iranian response to the Israeli attack on the Tehran consulate in Damascus, amid international reports stating that the response is “imminent.”

At the beginning of this month, the Iranian Consulate was subjected to an Israeli missile attack, which resulted in the killing of 7 members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, including the prominent general. Muhammad Reza Zahedi. Israel did not officially acknowledge the assassination of Zahedi, but it also did not deny its responsibility for the assassination.

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