Is Britain losing Morocco’s renewable energy to Germany?

A developer has added a £16 billion ($20.6 billion) project to export renewable energy from Moroccoan option whereby it can transmit electricity to… Germany instead of United kingdom.

Xlinks Ltd is planning to build a huge farm equipped with batteries Solar and wind energy In Morocco, to secure enough electricity to power 7 million homes in Britain. Now, it has a similar German option, according to planning documents published on the European Transport System Operators’ website.

This possibility could put pressure on UK authorities to provide support for the project which could be crucial to achieving the country’s net-zero emissions goals. The company could supply both countries with renewable energy, or supply only Britain, or only Germany, although the latter option is only a remote possibility, according to CEO Simon Morrish, who plans to provide more details in the coming weeks. “We are looking at options, and anything is possible,” Morrish said.

For his part, a company spokesman later said that it was “100% focused on the UK market”, but was also looking at other links with markets including Germany. He continued that other possible links would be in addition to the United Kingdom.

Consistently sunny and windy conditions in Morocco will complement the UK’s growing fleet of offshore wind farms. The power will be sent through 3,800 km of undersea cables running along the western coast of Iberia and France, before crossing the Channel and arriving on shore in Devon in southwest England.

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