Israel kills childhood.. Pictures of the child Yazan Al-Kafarneh make the heart bleed after he died of hunger

Israel killed childhood in Gaza, through siege, starvation, and denial of food, medicine, and even water Children of the sector Besieged since the seventh day of last October, as a result of malnutrition, the 10-year-old child Yazan Al-Kafarna was martyred on Monday in Abu Youssef Al-Najjar Hospital in Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip, bringing the number of children who died in Gaza due to malnutrition to 16 children..

Palestinian media circulated heart-wrenching pictures of the body of the child martyr, Yazan Al-Kafarneh, as a result of his death due to starvation carried out by the Israeli occupation authorities.

Kamal Adwan Hospital in the northern Gaza Strip announced the death of 16 children as a result of malnutrition and dehydration, noting that there are 6 other children in intensive care..

The Palestinian Ministry of Health announced, on Monday, that the number of martyrs among children has risen to 13,430, and women to 8,900 since the beginning of the ongoing Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip since the seventh of last October..

She added in a statement that 364 health personnel were martyred, and 269 others, including hospital directors, were arrested during 150 days of aggression.

She pointed out that the occupation destroyed 155 health institutions, put 32 hospitals and 53 health centers out of service, and also targeted 126 ambulances..

She described the health situation in the Gaza Strip as extremely catastrophic, as a result of the failure to bring in the necessary medical aid, pointing out that the occupation deliberately caused an unspeakable humanitarian and health catastrophe, which contributed to the spread of epidemics and infectious diseases..

She pointed out that about one million cases of infectious diseases had been monitored, warning of the seriousness of the health situation in the Gaza Strip, in light of the lack of medical capabilities necessary to treat them..

The Palestinian Health Ministry confirmed that the residents of the northern Gaza Strip are struggling with death as a result of famine that has exceeded global levels due to the scarcity of water and food..

In an infinite toll, the number of martyrs as a result of the ongoing aggression on the Gaza Strip since the seventh of last October has risen to 30,534 martyrs and 71,920 injured, while thousands of victims remain under the rubble and on the roads as the occupation prevents ambulance and civil defense crews from reaching them.

The child is weighing
The child is weighing

The child weighs before starvation
The child weighs before starvation
The baby weighs in the hospital
The baby weighs in the hospital

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