Issam Omar after the success of Masar Egbari: I don’t want the audience to put me in a specific place

Released by the artist Essam Omar The trend followed his appearance with the journalist Mona El Shazly on the program “With You”, after achieving great success during the series Masar Egbari, which was shown during the Ramadan season, and received great praise for it.

The artist Issam Omar confirmed that he prefers that the roles he presents on screen be different from each other, saying: “I love when a job comes to me, I choose things far from what I did before, and I do not want the audience to put me in a specific place and wait for me only in the comedy.”

Issam Omar added, during his interview with the “With You” program, with the media personality Mona El Shazly, on the ON channel, that he felt great happiness from the reactions to his role in the Belly of the Whale series, after the comedy in the Balto series, adding: “I wanted to present nothing that included comedy, and I was I want to maintain the character in the Masar Egbari series.”

He continued: “My character should not have been a comedian in the Massar Egbari series, and there would have been a difference between me and my brother in the series, because Ahmed Dash is a joker and different and it was not useful to let comedy drag me down, and I was supposed to be the opposite of Hussein’s character, and I had to have two different characters, and the series was based on that.” “Two different brothers, united by one path.”

Issam Omar explained that each of the two brothers in the series resembled the environment in which he was raised and his father’s upbringing of him, continuing: “Ali’s character does not put his father in his care and his caregiver is a harsh upbringing, and he is surprised that his father is married to another woman, and leaves behind an old son who he does not know.” .

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