Ministry of Environment: Quantifying the damage to coral reefs to restore their efficiency due to the Gulf of Aqaba accident

The South Sinai Natural Reserves team begins assessing the damage caused to some areas of coral reefs at the site of an accident Gulf of Aqaba shipThe Gulf of Aqaba region includes vast areas of coral reefs extending hundreds of kilometers, which were affected by the ship’s derailment.

Environment Minister Yasmine Fouad confirmed, in exclusive statements to Youm7, that the coral reef area in the Gulf of Aqaba will be subject to several specialized environmental monitoring programs, in addition to conducting studies to measure efficiency recovery rates, and to determine the extent of the need for rehabilitation if necessary.

Dr. Yasmine Fouad, Minister of the Environment, announced the continuation of the seizure of the empty Liberian gas tanker ship that ran aground at the entrance to the Gulf of Aqaba last Friday evening, through the relevant investigating authorities, after the ship emerged safely from the site of its stranding at the entrance to the Gulf of Aqaba, sailing to the reservation area under the supervision of the Department of Natural Reserves in South Africa. Sinai and the reservation destinations without any pollution or gas or fuel leakage.

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