National Bank players celebrate Ayman Ashraf’s 33rd birthday.. Pictures

Players celebrated National Bank team Today is the 33rd birthday of their colleague Ayman Ashraf, before the start of group training under the leadership of Tarek Mostafa in preparation for facing Tala’ea El Gaish in the Egyptian Premier League “Nile League”.

Tareq Mostafa, the technical director of the National Bank team, seeks to take advantage of the good morale of the players following the victory in the last two matches and to continue the positive results to improve the team’s position in the competition’s ranking table.

He is scheduled to meet National Bank team Talaie El Gaish’s counterpart next Wednesday in the matches of the 18th round of the Egyptian Premier League Championship, “Nile League”, which will be held at Cairo International Stadium at exactly seven o’clock in the evening.

The National Bank team occupies thirteenth place in the Egyptian Premier League “Nile League” standings with 18 points, having achieved victory in 5 matches, a draw in 3 matches, and defeat in 9 matches.


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