Parliamentary demands that “smart transportation” drivers be subjected to psychological tests

While the death of Habiba Al-Shamaa (24 years old), known as “Sunrise Girl,” preoccupied Egyptians during the past hours, following her death on Thursday evening, and then her funeral on Friday, the Egyptian House of Representatives (Parliament) entered the line of the incident, interacting with the conversations of the Egyptians, where it presented A number of representatives requested briefings and urgent statements regarding the incident, demanding that “drivers of smart transportation companies be subjected to psychological and health tests.”

Habiba’s accident preoccupied Egyptian public opinion after she jumped out of a fast-moving smart application taxi, and suffered serious injuries, as a result of which she fell into a coma for 21 days. The last statement she gave to those who tried to rescue her was that “the driver was trying to kidnap her,” according to the words of Habiba. Her mother in televised statements.

While the accident opened the file of safety and security requirements for smart transportation applications, a member of the Egyptian House of Representatives, Representative Asmaa El-Gammal, submitted an urgent statement to the Speaker of the Egyptian House of Representatives, Hanafi Jabali, directed to the Ministry of Communications and the concerned authorities, regarding opening the files of smart transportation companies, and subjecting workers as drivers to… For psychological tests, drug tests, and a review of their criminal files.

The representative condemned some smart transportation companies for not adhering to the Prime Minister’s decisions in 2019 regarding these companies’ commitment to safe rules and procedures to protect passengers and citizens, by criminally investigating drivers and conducting drug tests periodically every three months. If the company does not comply, the company will be withdrawn. license, and the Egyptian government also called for reviewing the files of periodic drug tests for all drivers of smart transportation companies.

The Egyptian media has paid attention to the “Sunrise Girl” incident over the past weeks, and Habiba’s mother, in another televised intervention, thanked President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, and said that he personally called to check on Habiba, and assured the family of the Egyptian state’s readiness to help her in anything, even if necessary. The matter is for her to travel abroad for treatment.

Habiba Al-Shamaa (a photo circulated on “X”)

A member of the House of Representatives, Representative Amal Salama, had submitted an urgent briefing request to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, addressed to the Egyptian Prime Minister, Mostafa Madbouly, regarding “tightening the procedures and rules necessary to employ drivers in smart transportation applications operating in Egypt,” and she said, “ Some smart means of transportation are no longer safe, after repeated accusations of harassment and attempted kidnapping, even though it is considered one of the main means of transportation.” It also called for “the necessity of making information about its employees available to security authorities to exercise their jurisdiction in accordance with the law,” stressing “the necessity for companies licensed to perform the service to commit to securing databases and information in a way that maintains their confidentiality and not exploits citizens’ data.”

The Egyptian prosecution had charged the accused with attempted murder and kidnapping of the “Shorouk Girl,” and he is scheduled to be re-interrogated again at the request of her family’s defense to amend the registration and description of the case to be murder and kidnapping.

A member of the “Tourism and Antiquities” Committee in the House of Representatives, MP Bahaa Abu Al-Hamad, believes that the recent parliamentary moves regarding the “Sunrise Girl” incident “come as a quick reaction to approving strict controls for mass transportation companies,” adding to Asharq Al-Awsat: “If the matter had been left to Without controls, the Shorouk Girl incident will be exacerbated and renewed in the future, especially since there are tourists who depend on smart transportation in Egypt in their movements, and the lack of controls for smart transportation leads to a state of anxiety for everyone who rides it.”

Abu Al-Hamad explained: “I had previously called for the importance of having controls for collective passenger transport companies, which have no oversight or controls.”

For her part, the psychological and family expert in Egypt, Dalia Al-Hazzawi, said, “To ensure the safety of those dealing with smart transportation, drivers must undergo periodic tests for drug abuse, as well as have their criminal status checked periodically, and also pay attention to examining the psychological aspect to find out if they are suffering from.” Psychological problems and people with a good reputation.”

She added to Asharq Al-Awsat that, “Looking at the various traffic accidents, we find that most of them are due to the human element, who does not adhere to traffic etiquette and rules or is under the influence of drug abuse. Therefore, applying deterrent punishment to the person causing the accidents will guarantee the safety of those dealing with smart transportation companies.” “In the future.”

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