Receiving applications to join the Institute of Security Assistants through the official website of the Ministry of Interior

Ease Ministry of Interior To announce the start of receiving applications for enrollment in security assistant institutes, as this course targets young Egyptians who have a preparatory certificate or its equivalent, in order to train and qualify for national service in the ranks of public security.

Conditions for security assistant institutes

To ensure the qualification of incoming security cadres, the Ministry of Interior has carefully specified the necessary conditions for admission, which are as follows:

  • Egyptian nationality, and the applicant must have Egyptian parents.
  • Age between 19 and 25 years.
  • Good conduct and reputation.
  • No previous criminal convictions.
  • The applicant must not be dismissed from government service or the public sector.
  • Pass the medical and physical fitness examination.

Among the advantages that students enjoy during their studies at the institute are:

  • The state bears the expenses of education, training and subsistence.
  • Monthly bonus for students.
  • Benefit from health services and the treatment system after graduation.

How to apply to the Institute of Security Associates

Those wishing to join the security assistant institutes can submit their applications through the official website of the Ministry of Interior, during the period from May 18, 2024 until June 27, 2024.

The application deadline is on the official Ministry of Interior website

Security assistant institutes receive applicants in several governorates across the Republic, where locations have been determined according to geographical distribution. Please visit the Ministry’s official website to learn more details regarding application dates for the Institute of Security Assistants.

The Ministry of Interior calls on all applicants to deal only through the Ministry’s official website via Link Click hereIt emphasizes the necessity of adhering to the specified rules and conditions.

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