Senator Ted Cruz holds townhall meeting in Laredo

LAREDO, Tx. (KGNS) – Senator Ted Cruz held a townhall meeting in downtown Laredo to discuss several issues including commerce, border security and economic growth.

The most highlighted topics were the importance of trade in the community, and the proposed 4/5 bridge.

Cruz said the presidential permit has not been signed; however, the president has 180 days to sign the permit; if not, the permit gets granted automatically.

Senator Cruz said that once the permit is approved, it will help further trade and bring more jobs to the community.

“That’s going to have a huge economic impact on South Texas and all of Texas. Every year Texas and Mexico do over 8.2 billion dollars in trade that is enormous commerce,” said Senator Cruz. “The World Trade Bridge right is eight lanes, the proposal is to expand to 18 lanes. The 4/5 bridge is going to give another avenue to come in. You put Brownsville and Eagle Pass all of that benefits, the farmers in Texas, ranchers in Texas, small business in Texas manufacturers in Texas. It benefits Texas consumers and I’ll tell you what it also does, it benefits the whole country.”

He adds legislation has passed to expand and make improvements to highway 22, 69 and 2.

Having these infrastructure improvements will result in tractor trailers being able to travel from point a to point b in the U.S.

Laredo Mayor Dr. Victor Trevino and Webb County Judge Tano Tijerina also participated on the panel with Senator Cruz.

AThe three vowed they would continue working together.

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