Severe imprisonment and withdrawal of the driver’s license… the ruling on the Uber driver in the case of Habiba Al-Shamaa

04:29 PM

Monday, April 15, 2024

Books – Ramadan Younes:

The Cairo Criminal Court, sitting in the Fifth Settlement Courts Complex, punished Uber driver Mahmoud H. with 15 years in prison in the case of the death of the Shorouk girl, Habiba Al-Shamaa.

The ruling was issued under the chairmanship of Counselor Atef Rizk Kamel, with the membership of Counselors Muhammad Faraj Al-Saadani, Khaled Shukri Othman, and the secretariat of Sherif Ali and Muhammad Farouk.

The ruling on the Uber driver was as follows:

First, the accused Uber driver was punished with 15 years in prison for the accusation against him.

Second: withdrawing a driver’s license from the accused.

Third: He was fined 50,000 pounds as criminal expenses.

Fourth: Referring the civil case to the competent civil court.

The Public Prosecution charged the accused with 3 charges in Case No. 1016 of 2024, Shorouk Felony; He attempted to kidnap the victim, Habiba Al-Shamaa, by force against her will, as she was accompanied by a car with the intention of taking her to her destination with the aim of excluding her from the public. To do so, he closed the windows of the car and both of them, but he stopped the effect he wanted for a reason that had nothing to do with his will, namely the victim’s control. She was forced to jump out of the car to deprive herself of her freedom, as stated in the investigations.

He also possessed with the intention of consuming a narcotic substance, “hashish,” in cases other than those permitted by law, and drove a vehicle while under the influence of a drug, in addition to forging official documents.

The Public Prosecution had referred the accused to criminal charges in the case of Al-Shorouk girl Habiba Al-Shamaa, who died last March 15 after she jumped from an Uber driver’s car for fear of being kidnapped.

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