Sherine Saif Al-Nasr is the dream girl of 90s youth.. Who is the man of her dreams?

With great sadness, the Egyptians and the Arab world bid farewell to the late artist Sherine Saif Al-NasrShe passed away quietly at the age of 57 years, but the people of my generation in the eighties and nineties felt a special pang. Many wrote in her farewell, “The girl of my dreams is gone” or “The dream girl of the youth of the nineties is gone,” and many did not forget to mention her most famous dramatic work, “From Who does not love Fatima?

Many do not disagree that the light-hearted and light-hearted artist with distinctive golden hair and green eyes has been the dream girl of many young people for many years, especially with her fun and unconventional choices of fashion and hairstyles, in addition to her makeup that reflects a bold and distinctive personality.

Specifications of Sherine Saif Al-Nasr’s dream man

But on the other hand, many certainly wondered what were the characteristics of this beautiful woman’s dream man? The artist did not have a stable marital life for many years, as she was married three times and none of her marriages were able to last long. In her interviews after the end of her last marriage, she always said that she was focusing on her artistic project, and that marriage was no longer among her plans.

On the contrary, at the beginning of her artistic career, the question about the characteristics of the boy of her dreams and the man she would love to be in a relationship with was one of the first questions she was asked. In a clipping from a magazine published by an account for fans of the artist Sherine Seif Al-Nasr, he wrote on a picture of her with the artist Farouk Al-Fishawy and the artist Najah Al-Muji from the scenes of one of the… The plays made a statement saying, “I am 28 years old and Rushdi Abaza is the boy of my dreams.”

Sherine Saif Al-Nasr
Sherine Saif Al-Nasr

Despite the change in life experiences and her artistic development, in many interviews the answer to the question about the characteristics of the boy of her dreams carried the same content, which was the search for a man who would serve as a support for her and provide her with containment and security. In an interview with Al-Maw’id magazine in October 1994, she said that she welcomed the love that It provides her with stability and bears many of the responsibilities of her life.

From Al-Mawa'id magazine
From Al-Mawa’id magazine

In 2009, this was exactly what she described her life partner at the time, the plastic surgeon whom she married but unfortunately separated from in 2010. She said in press statements that she chose him after she got close to him and knew that he was “a man in the truest sense of the word” and could contain her and bear the responsibility of a family.

Appointment magazine cover
Appointment magazine cover

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