Show dates for the series Al-Kabir Awa 8, Episode 1, on ON channel

Displays Very big series 8Championship Star Ahmed Mekky on Channel ON At 6:05 pm, it will also be shown on platform Watch it.

Very big series 8 Starring Ahmed Mekky, Rahma Ahmed, Bayoumi Fouad, Mostafa Gharib, Hisham Ismail, Mohamed Salam, Samaa Ibrahim, Hussein Haggag, Hatem Salah, and other artists, in addition to the appearance of a number of guests of honor, and the work is produced by Synergy Company, directed and supervised by the writing. Ahmed El Gendy.

It is mentioned that Ahmad Makki He returned to complete the series Very big In the month of Ramadan before last 2022, the sixth part was presented after 7 years of hiatus, as Makki presented the fifth part in 2015, and after his return in the sixth part, he achieved great success and the work produced a number of rising comedy stars such as Rahma Ahmed, Hatem Salah, and Mustafa Gharib, and this success was continued. Submitting the seventh part last year.

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