The first comment from a Muslim after his engagement party to a girl named “Yara”

02:30 PM

Friday, March 1, 2024

Festival performer Muslim commented on his engagement party with a girl from outside the artistic community called “Yara,” which was held yesterday, Thursday, at the Baron Palace.

Muslim posted pictures from a photo session before his engagement party, via his Instagram account, and commented: “Today I truly learned that the end of 2023 is the most beautiful end for me, and I have become the most beautiful person in my life with whom God has honored me.”

He added: “After great fatigue and many problems in my life… I love you very much, and may God protect you for me, and we will always support each other and have a strong back, my most beautiful Yara.”

Last December, Muslim announced his separation from Mika Al-Baghdadi after a marriage that lasted nearly two years.

“Muslim” wrote on his Instagram account: “Thank God for everything. Praise be to God, the official divorce between me and Mika Al-Baghdadi has occurred.”

Unfortunately, I did not want this to be the end, and God knows that I took God into account and held on to my home more than once.”

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