The most prominent international reactions to the Iranian attacks on Israel News

International reactions to the Iranian air strikes on Israel varied, ranging from expressing concern, issuing warnings, Western condemnations, and American assurances of commitment to Israel’s security, which Venezuela held responsible, and which China considered one of the repercussions of the Israeli war on Gaza.

Strict American support

The US administration’s reaction topped the list of reactions from countries supporting Israel, and the US President confirmed Joe Biden In contact with the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “The United States’ firm commitment to ensuring Israel’s security.”

US National Security Council spokeswoman Adrienne Watson reaffirmed Biden’s “firm” support for Israel’s security.
He explained, “I told him that Israel has demonstrated a remarkable ability to defend itself in the face of unprecedented attacks, and in thwarting it, it sent a clear message to its enemies that they cannot seriously threaten Israel’s security.”

He said that Washington contributed to shooting down “almost all” of the drones and missiles that Iran launched at Israel.
For his part, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump confirmed that the attack shows the “great weakness” of the United States during the era of Democratic President Biden, with whom he will compete for the presidency.

Britain…reinforcements and denunciations

“We have sent several additional Royal Air Force aircraft and mid-air refueling units to the region,” the British Ministry of Defense said in a statement. She added, “These British aircraft will intercept any air attack within the scope of our existing missions if necessary.”
The British Prime Minister denounced Rishi Sunak He called the “reckless” Iranian attack, stressing that Britain “will continue to defend Israel’s security.”

“Alongside our allies, we are working diligently to ensure the situation is stabilized and to prevent further escalation,” Sunak said. “No one wants to see more bloodshed.”

European Union

European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell confirmed on the X platform that the Union “strongly condemns” Iran’s attack on Israel, denouncing an “unprecedented escalation” and a “dangerous threat to regional security.”

As for the President of the European Commission Ursula von der LeyenShe said that all actors must now stop the escalation and work to restore stability in the region, adding I call on Iran and its proxies to immediately stop these attacks, and we strongly condemn the Iranian attack on Israel.

France: a new threshold

French Foreign Minister Stephane Ségornet confirmed on the X platform that his country condemns the attack launched by Iran on Israel.
The minister wrote, saying, “By its decision to carry out this unprecedented action, Iran is crossing a new threshold in its actions aimed at destabilization, and risks a military escalation,” adding that “France reiterates its commitment to Israel’s security, and affirms its solidarity with it.”

Germany warns

Germany warned that the Iranian attack could “plunge an entire region into chaos.” German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock wrote on the X platform, “We condemn in the strongest terms the ongoing attack that may plunge an entire region into chaos,” adding, “Iran and its agents must stop this matter immediately.” She reiterated that Berlin stands “firmly with Israel.”

Italy: We prepare for all possibilities

Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Taiani announced that his country is following the situation with “interest and concern” after the Iranian attack on Israel. “We are following with interest and concern what is happening in the Middle East,” he wrote on the

Canada: unequivocal condemnation

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said in a statement that “Canada categorically condemns” the Iranian attack, adding that he is “in solidarity with Israel.” He considered that the attack “once again shows the Iranian regime’s disdain for peace and stability in the region.”

Argentina: Crisis Cell

Argentine President Javier Milley expressed in a statement his “solidarity and firm commitment to the State of Israel in the face of the attacks launched by the Islamic Republic of Iran.”

The presidential spokesman announced that Milley “will return to the country to form a crisis cell, due to the recent events in Israel… to coordinate actions with the presidents of the Western world.” Milley was scheduled to move from the United States to Denmark on Saturday to attend a ceremony regarding an agreement to buy Buenos Aires F-16 aircraft from Copenhagen.

Mexico: Concerned about the cost

The Mexican government said it was “very concerned” about the Iranian attack and “the cost it could have.”

Chile: escalation of danger

Chilean Foreign Minister Alberto Van Klaveren expressed on the X platform his “concern over the dangerous escalation of tensions in the Middle East and the Iranian attacks on Israel.”

Japan strongly condemns

Japan strongly condemned the Iranian retaliatory attack on Israel, describing it as an escalation of events, and expressed its deep concern over the situation. The statement said, “This attack exacerbates the deterioration of the current situation in the Middle East. We are deeply concerned, and we strongly condemn this type of escalation.”

An Iranian Foreign Ministry statement stressed that peace and stability are particularly important to Japan, adding that the government will continue to take necessary diplomatic steps to prevent the situation from deteriorating.

Guterres calls for restraint

UN Secretary-General António Guterres “strongly condemned the dangerous escalation” represented by the Iranian attack on Israel, calling for “an immediate cessation of these hostilities.”

Guterres said yesterday, “I urge all parties to exercise the utmost restraint to prevent any action that might lead to major military confrontations on multiple fronts in the Middle East.”

Venezuela: Israel bears responsibility

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Ivan Gil considered that “due to the genocide in Palestine and the irrationality of the Israeli regime, in addition to the lack of action by the United Nations, instability in the region has increased significantly over the past weeks,” noting that “peace will not be guaranteed unless justice is guaranteed.” And international law, especially with regard to the Palestinian people and the State of Palestine.”

China: Repercussions of the Gaza War

China expressed “deep concern” over the attack on Sunday. A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said that Beijing “expresses its deep concern about the current escalation, and calls on all parties concerned to exercise calm and restraint to avoid further escalation.”

He added, “China calls on the international community, especially influential parties, to play a constructive role for the benefit of security and stability” in the Middle East region.
A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said, in statements published on the ministry’s website on Sunday, that China is deeply concerned about the escalation after Iran launched missiles and drones at Israel.

In response to a question regarding the Iranian strikes, the spokesman said, “China calls on all parties concerned to remain calm and exercise restraint to avoid further escalation of tensions.” He added that this round of tensions is one of the “repercussions of the war in Gaza,” and that suppressing this conflict is a “top priority.”

Russian concern

Russia expressed its deep concern about the dangerous escalation in the Middle East, and calls on all parties to exercise restraint.

Qatar… calls for stopping the escalation and restraint

The State of Qatar expressed its deep concern about the developments in the situation in the region, and called on all parties to stop escalation, calm down, and exercise the utmost restraint.

In a statement today, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs urged the international community to take urgent action to defuse tension and reduce escalation in the region. It also renewed the commitment of the State of Qatar to support all regional and international efforts aimed at achieving security and stability at the regional and international levels.

Saudi Arabia…warns of the dangers of war

The Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed “deep concern over the developments of the military escalation in the region and the seriousness of its repercussions,” calling on all “parties to exercise the utmost levels of restraint and spare the region and its peoples the dangers of war.”

The Ministry stressed “the need for the Security Council to assume its responsibility towards maintaining international peace and security, especially in this region that is extremely sensitive to global peace and security, and to prevent the escalation of the crisis that will have serious consequences if it expands.”

Kuwait…a call to address the causes

Today, Sunday, the Kuwaiti Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed the State of Kuwait’s deep concern about the continued military escalation taking place in the region, and its increasing negative repercussions on the security and stability of neighboring countries and the world at large. She called for restraint and to spare the region and its people the dangers and effects of this escalation.

The Ministry affirmed the position of the State of Kuwait calling for the importance of the Security Council assuming its responsibilities towards maintaining international peace and security and avoiding wars, by ensuring the commitment of the entire international community, as stipulated in international laws and conventions, to the necessity of addressing the causes of this tension and devoting the diplomatic approach to settling disputes, in order to reach To ensure the security and stability of the region.

Egypt…the danger of regional expansion

Egypt warned of the “risk of regional expansion of the conflict.” Through its Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it called for “the utmost levels of restraint” and stressed “direct contact with all parties to the conflict to try to contain the situation.”

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